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Friday, June 30, 2006

Snippits From The Family

Overheard on the grapevine..

Picking Josie up from kindy. She is getting into her seat and trying to buckle herself. She is huffing and puffing and not being able to do it. Then very softly under her breath..
Josie: This Stupid Thing!
It was very hard not to burst out laughing.

Driving in the car, Rebecca was sitting next to Josie in the back. Josie leans onto Rebecca's arm and as she sits back, a hair is left on Rebecca's arm, so Rebecca picks it up and drops
it on the floor. And you should have heard the indignation in Josie's voice: That was MY hair!!

Rebecca: Josie what did you do at kindy today?
Josie: painting
Rebecca: What did you paint?
Josie: a BIG circle
Josie: like mummy
Rebecca and Vika bursting out laughing.
Josie: whats so funny
Josie: thats not funny
Josie: I am not your friend any more
Josie: I am going home now!

Rebecca: Josie can i please have a kiss?
Josie: puts her hands around Rebecca's head
Josie: Becka you got floppy ears behind your hair
Rebecca: thats not very nice
Rebecca: I think you got floppy ears behind your hair too
Josie: Yeh, daddy likes it.

And then an email from Becka..

I went at recess to see Josie. She was very happy, her friend pointed me out to her and said look Josie who’s here!

She then saw me and ran and gave me a hug. Then I asked her who her friend was and by then a group of kids had gathered around me. So I put her down she took me by the hand and we walked around with her telling me everybody’s name. It was so cute!

On a different note.. we got an offer on our unit today. Ridiculously low, but it felt good ;-)

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