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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Grandparents Day at The Preschool

Last Tuesday was Grandparents Day for the Rainbow group at Preschool.

Unfortunately Josie was off sick all last week because of a UTI and Staf infection so she wasn't at any of the rehearsals for the event, but performed admirably anyway as I've been told!

Baba and Granny went to see her perform and Josie loved having them there and was very excited. The other kids were all excited too, when I dropped her off I was informed by at least 3 kids that it was Grandparents Day and that their Grandparents were "coming today!", and in the case of one small boy, "my friend Leanne!".

So the kids all sat around in a circle and sang songs and danced. Josie thoroughly enjoyed herself as can be seen in the photos..

I was very proud to see that she joined in with everything even though she did not know the steps or the words to the songs.

In one of the photos you can see the centre director joining in on the singing which is lovely.

In the last photo you can see her two favourite teachers. I am happy to report that she is doing so well now when we drop her off! No more crying or whinging. She just happily goes off with them to play.

I am just so thrilled that she is going to this school now. It is so worth the money! And even the religiousness of it doesnt bother me as much anymore. Not that it is religious. Its more about traditions than anything overtly religious.

Anyways, it was a pleasure seeing these photos, seeing her so happy, having so much fun and joining in!

1 comment:

BrayClan said...

She is growing up so fast Mari. Glad to hear you are happy with your school decision. It is such a big step..but looks like Josie has settled in perfectly!