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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Bob The Builder's Got Nothing On Josie

On Monday, Wendy and I set to work putting our newly-bought furniture together in our new flat. I was installing the new deadlock on the front door when I realised I needed a hacksaw. So I went to Bunnings to get one while Wendy set to work on the dining table.

By the time I got back she had the table and two chairs pretty much done. We ate our first meal - take-away bbq chicken and chips admittedly but I'll get cooking when everything's done - as the moon rose full over the ocean, in a sky pink with the fading sunset. It was quite a sight.

Ant, Mari and Josie were over at Vika's and I called them to see if they'd drop by on their way home. Mostly I wanted a few photos of the place as we put things together so that we could have a series of them from empty flat to fully furnished flat, and we didn't have our camera with us.

So drop by they did, and helped assemble furniture. Mari and Wendy got to work on the remaining dining chairs and coffee table, and then we all got stuck into the desk system for the study. Josie was helping anybody who looked like they were doing something interesting at the time. She was doing up bolts with an allen key like Tim the Tool Man - of course doing them up is only half the fun, you then have to undo them again .. and again ... and again.

She then carried the desk legs out of the room so we had space to put the frame together. The legs of the desk are as big as she is and she looked quite comical carrying them out. She took her jobs very seriously though - especially taking out large empty cardboard boxes that didn't quite fit through the door the way she was carrying them, catapulting her back into the room in a fit of giggles. She seemed to think this was the best fun she'd had in .. oh at least the last hour.

Josie then decided that the room was getting entirely too disorderly and some collecting together of the screws was necessary. So Ant and I are under the desk screwing the frame to the desktops .. and I'm reaching around for another screw .. nothing there. I stick my head up to look around .. no screws. Then I look over the other side of the room and Josie and Mari are sitting there with enormous grins on their faces while Josie surveys her 'dragon's hoard' of screws which she proceeds to fiercely guard.

Mari had to toss us screws - amidst many a "HEY!" from Josie the Dragon - or we'd never have gotten the thing put together. Josie also felt that an upside-down desk makes an excellent hopscotch arena, though I don't know how our neighbours downstairs felt about it.

By the end of the evening a very tired Josie was well on her way to earning her engineering degree.

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