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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Parent / Teacher Interview !

Tony and I went to our very first Parent/Teacher interview this morning!

I was a bit nervous!

We were told that Josie was doing very well, that she was settling in very well and was joining in on the activities and games. She loves to play indoors or outdoors and was exceptionally good at drawing and painting. In fact they said her drawing and painting skills were 'remarkable' for her age.

They said she was very independant and happy and bright, she could play happily by herself, or together with other kids.

We were shown her 'Portfolio Book' that has several pages now of drawings and paintings she has done. They were so SO good!!

She also did so well today when we were leaving.. no tears again, and just went and played at the table.

SUCH a good girl! We are so blessed ;-)

1 comment:

BrayClan said...

Oh well done josie!!

What a wonderful first parent/teacher interview !