Friday, June 30, 2006
Snippits From The Family
Overheard on the grapevine..
Picking Josie up from kindy. She is getting into her seat and trying to buckle herself. She is huffing and puffing and not being able to do it. Then very softly under her breath..
Josie: This Stupid Thing!
It was very hard not to burst out laughing.
Driving in the car, Rebecca was sitting next to Josie in the back. Josie leans onto Rebecca's arm and as she sits back, a hair is left on Rebecca's arm, so Rebecca picks it up and drops
it on the floor. And you should have heard the indignation in Josie's voice: That was MY hair!!
Rebecca: Josie what did you do at kindy today?
Josie: painting
Rebecca: What did you paint?
Josie: a BIG circle
Josie: like mummy
Rebecca and Vika bursting out laughing.
Josie: whats so funny
Josie: thats not funny
Josie: I am not your friend any more
Josie: I am going home now!
Rebecca: Josie can i please have a kiss?
Josie: puts her hands around Rebecca's head
Josie: Becka you got floppy ears behind your hair
Rebecca: thats not very nice
Rebecca: I think you got floppy ears behind your hair too
Josie: Yeh, daddy likes it.
And then an email from Becka..
I went at recess to see Josie. She was very happy, her friend pointed me out to her and said look Josie who’s here!
She then saw me and ran and gave me a hug. Then I asked her who her friend was and by then a group of kids had gathered around me. So I put her down she took me by the hand and we walked around with her telling me everybody’s name. It was so cute!
On a different note.. we got an offer on our unit today. Ridiculously low, but it felt good ;-)
Picking Josie up from kindy. She is getting into her seat and trying to buckle herself. She is huffing and puffing and not being able to do it. Then very softly under her breath..
Josie: This Stupid Thing!
It was very hard not to burst out laughing.
Driving in the car, Rebecca was sitting next to Josie in the back. Josie leans onto Rebecca's arm and as she sits back, a hair is left on Rebecca's arm, so Rebecca picks it up and drops
it on the floor. And you should have heard the indignation in Josie's voice: That was MY hair!!
Rebecca: Josie what did you do at kindy today?
Josie: painting
Rebecca: What did you paint?
Josie: a BIG circle
Josie: like mummy
Rebecca and Vika bursting out laughing.
Josie: whats so funny
Josie: thats not funny
Josie: I am not your friend any more
Josie: I am going home now!
Rebecca: Josie can i please have a kiss?
Josie: puts her hands around Rebecca's head
Josie: Becka you got floppy ears behind your hair
Rebecca: thats not very nice
Rebecca: I think you got floppy ears behind your hair too
Josie: Yeh, daddy likes it.
And then an email from Becka..
I went at recess to see Josie. She was very happy, her friend pointed me out to her and said look Josie who’s here!
She then saw me and ran and gave me a hug. Then I asked her who her friend was and by then a group of kids had gathered around me. So I put her down she took me by the hand and we walked around with her telling me everybody’s name. It was so cute!
On a different note.. we got an offer on our unit today. Ridiculously low, but it felt good ;-)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Grandparents Day at The Preschool
Last Tuesday was Grandparents Day for the Rainbow group at Preschool.
Unfortunately Josie was off sick all last week because of a UTI and Staf infection so she wasn't at any of the rehearsals for the event, but performed admirably anyway as I've been told!
Baba and Granny went to see her perform and Josie loved having them there and was very excited. The other kids were all excited too, when I dropped her off I was informed by at least 3 kids that it was Grandparents Day and that their Grandparents were "coming today!", and in the case of one small boy, "my friend Leanne!".
So the kids all sat around in a circle and sang songs and danced. Josie thoroughly enjoyed herself as can be seen in the photos..

I was very proud to see that she joined in with everything even though she did not know the steps or the words to the songs.
In one of the photos you can see the centre director joining in on the singing which is lovely.
In the last photo you can see her two favourite teachers. I am happy to report that she is doing so well now when we drop her off! No more crying or whinging. She just happily goes off with them to play.
I am just so thrilled that she is going to this school now. It is so worth the money! And even the religiousness of it doesnt bother me as much anymore. Not that it is religious. Its more about traditions than anything overtly religious.
Anyways, it was a pleasure seeing these photos, seeing her so happy, having so much fun and joining in!

Baba and Granny went to see her perform and Josie loved having them there and was very excited. The other kids were all excited too, when I dropped her off I was informed by at least 3 kids that it was Grandparents Day and that their Grandparents were "coming today!", and in the case of one small boy, "my friend Leanne!".
So the kids all sat around in a circle and sang songs and danced. Josie thoroughly enjoyed herself as can be seen in the photos..

I was very proud to see that she joined in with everything even though she did not know the steps or the words to the songs.
In one of the photos you can see the centre director joining in on the singing which is lovely.
In the last photo you can see her two favourite teachers. I am happy to report that she is doing so well now when we drop her off! No more crying or whinging. She just happily goes off with them to play.
I am just so thrilled that she is going to this school now. It is so worth the money! And even the religiousness of it doesnt bother me as much anymore. Not that it is religious. Its more about traditions than anything overtly religious.
Anyways, it was a pleasure seeing these photos, seeing her so happy, having so much fun and joining in!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Rebecca's BatMitzvah Celebrations!
Well.. all I can say is thank god its all over! For the sake of my sister's sanity at least ;-)
Little Rebecca has become a woman. Well almost ;-)
Celebrations started on Wednesday night where we all went to the Shul for the rehearsal and to take pictures. Because it was Shabbas (Shabbat) on Saturday morning during the service, we were not allowed to take photos then, so all the formal photos of the ceremony were taken on Wednesday night. I will upload some to Flickr once I have finished editing them.
On Friday I left work early to meet Becka and Vika at the hairdressers to get our hair done. We both had red foils done and I had an all over dark brown as well. We had different reds picked out but mine was much brighter, although it came out much brighter than I expected ;-) After the hair was done I was planning on meeting Becka for Friday night service but my car battery died in the carpark of the shopping centre and so I sat and waited for the NRMA to come and help me ;-)
On Saturday morning we got to the Shul early thank goodness. It was a beautiful service, but it was 2 hours long, and really, a 2 hour service is not the place for a 3.5 year old. Josie and Jayden did their very best to behave, but really, it was a 2 hour service! After about an hour I took Josie outside and found the Kindy playground where my Aunt Larissa was with Josie's cousin Matt (who is almost 2). They had a nice time playing together, and then thankfully the service was all finished and we came back inside for the after service meal. We chatted and ate and the kids played.
After the service I went over to my mums to show her how to use her new phone while Tony took Josie to granny's place to chill out. We ended up coming home quite late.
Sunday was lovely too, we went to Trudy's for David's birthday lunch where Josie had a great time bouncing up and down on Philip's stomach ;-)
Then I went to meet Vika at the hall to help set up for the Disco.
Disco went very well, all the kids had a great time eating and dancing and Josie was, as usual, centre stage dancing with everyone. The girl is a born performer ;-)
We left around 8pm cause Josie was just knackered, but we were there long enough to hear some fabulous speeches from Becka's friends and from Becka.
We decided to leave Josie with Granny Sunday night because she wasn't going to school Monday anyways.. she fell asleep in the car on the way but woke up when we put her in the bed at Granny's. The next day Tony called to see how she was going, Josie took the phone and they had the following conversation:
Josie: Hey
Daddy: Hey Bubby
Josie: You left me!
Daddy: Yes
Josie: Why?!
Daddy: because you were gonna be there today anyway. Why d'you wanna come home and then have to drive back again?
Little Rebecca has become a woman. Well almost ;-)

After the service I went over to my mums to show her how to use her new phone while Tony took Josie to granny's place to chill out. We ended up coming home quite late.

Then I went to meet Vika at the hall to help set up for the Disco.
Disco went very well, all the kids had a great time eating and dancing and Josie was, as usual, centre stage dancing with everyone. The girl is a born performer ;-)

We decided to leave Josie with Granny Sunday night because she wasn't going to school Monday anyways.. she fell asleep in the car on the way but woke up when we put her in the bed at Granny's. The next day Tony called to see how she was going, Josie took the phone and they had the following conversation:
Josie: Hey
Daddy: Hey Bubby
Josie: You left me!
Daddy: Yes
Josie: Why?!
Daddy: because you were gonna be there today anyway. Why d'you wanna come home and then have to drive back again?
Tony: to which she replied with something generally unintelligable but containing mummy and daddy and I think she meant because she likes to come in bed with us in the morning before she goes where ever she is going.
It was a fantastic weekend, but again, thank god its over. Well for the next 10 years or so anyway.. I'll start organising Josie's Bat Mitzvah in a few weeks ;-) or maybe months..
Duh Mummy!
This morning's drive into preschool Josie had her Dora doll in her arms..
Josie: Mummy, I need soap!
Mari: Sorry honey, I don't have any soap.
Josie: Well Mummy, Pw'ten!
Mari: Oh, yes, sorry! [reaching back with some pw'ten soap] Here you are!
Josie: [Starts washing Dora's hair vigorously]
Mari: Be careful not to get soap in her eyes !
Josie: [Puts her hand over Dora's eyes] Close your eyes Dora!
Josie: [Scrub Scrub]
Mari: [Reaching back] Here is the hand shower, Jose, wash all the soap off now..
Josie: [Wash, Wash] Mummy, I need a towel!
Mari: [Reaching back] Here it is..
Josie: [Takes pw'ten towel, Rub, Rub] Thank you!
Mari: Dry it really well Josie, its very cold outside and we dont want her to get sick!
Josie: Its ok Dora, don't get sick!
It was very cute..
Josie: Mummy, I need soap!
Mari: Sorry honey, I don't have any soap.
Josie: Well Mummy, Pw'ten!
Mari: Oh, yes, sorry! [reaching back with some pw'ten soap] Here you are!
Josie: [Starts washing Dora's hair vigorously]
Mari: Be careful not to get soap in her eyes !
Josie: [Puts her hand over Dora's eyes] Close your eyes Dora!
Josie: [Scrub Scrub]
Mari: [Reaching back] Here is the hand shower, Jose, wash all the soap off now..
Josie: [Wash, Wash] Mummy, I need a towel!
Mari: [Reaching back] Here it is..
Josie: [Takes pw'ten towel, Rub, Rub] Thank you!
Mari: Dry it really well Josie, its very cold outside and we dont want her to get sick!
Josie: Its ok Dora, don't get sick!
It was very cute..
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A Typical Hill Family Conversation
Can he be any more helpful !?
Mari @ Work says: tony you need to read this article.. and then we need to get the CDs and DVDs they mention and I need to move my photos to them..
Mari @ Work says: [Link to article about how home burned CD's and DVDs have a short life expectancy]
Tony says: man you are a scaremongers dream
Tony says: we have CDs that are around 10 years old that work fine
Mari @ Work says: i dont want to lose my photos!
Mari @ Work says: i dont care about anything else, but the photos i want on the best quality whatever is out there
Tony says: I read an article the other week that warned of scaremongering on this issue and said the problem was nowhere near as dire as this load of shite wants you to believe
Mari @ Work says: how do u know that article is true and this one isnt ??
Mari @ Work says: i dont want to risk it!
Tony says: because this one is trying to get you to buy something and the other one isnt
Tony says: what a coincidence
Tony says: "The sky is falling - btw I have a really nifter sky holderupperer for only $3.50"
Mari @ Work says: i dont care about the sky
Mari @ Work says: i care about my photos
Tony says: like I said
Tony says: scaremongers dream
Tony says: Wouldn't it be better to just duplicate the 50c disc every year?
Mari @ Work says: how likely is that to happen?
Tony says: um easily
Tony says: you set a thing in your calendar
Tony says: and then you just pop the dvd in the burner and go
Tony says: simple
Mari @ Work says: i only have one drive in my mac.. how do you copy disks ?
Tony says: you put your source disc in
Tony says: you take your source disc out
Tony says: you put your dest disc in
Tony says: and you shake it all about
Tony says: you do the burny burny and you turn around
Tony says: that's what it's all about
Tony says: ooooooooooooooh the burny burny
Tony says: oooooooooooooOoooh the burny Burny!
Mari @ Work says: funny boy
Tony says: having said all that.... couldn't hurt to get a couple of those gold DVDS.....
Mari @ Work says: tony you need to read this article.. and then we need to get the CDs and DVDs they mention and I need to move my photos to them..
Mari @ Work says: [Link to article about how home burned CD's and DVDs have a short life expectancy]
Tony says: man you are a scaremongers dream
Tony says: we have CDs that are around 10 years old that work fine
Mari @ Work says: i dont want to lose my photos!
Mari @ Work says: i dont care about anything else, but the photos i want on the best quality whatever is out there
Tony says: I read an article the other week that warned of scaremongering on this issue and said the problem was nowhere near as dire as this load of shite wants you to believe
Mari @ Work says: how do u know that article is true and this one isnt ??
Mari @ Work says: i dont want to risk it!
Tony says: because this one is trying to get you to buy something and the other one isnt
Tony says: what a coincidence
Tony says: "The sky is falling - btw I have a really nifter sky holderupperer for only $3.50"
Mari @ Work says: i dont care about the sky
Mari @ Work says: i care about my photos
Tony says: like I said
Tony says: scaremongers dream
Tony says: Wouldn't it be better to just duplicate the 50c disc every year?
Mari @ Work says: how likely is that to happen?
Tony says: um easily
Tony says: you set a thing in your calendar
Tony says: and then you just pop the dvd in the burner and go
Tony says: simple
Mari @ Work says: i only have one drive in my mac.. how do you copy disks ?
Tony says: you put your source disc in
Tony says: you take your source disc out
Tony says: you put your dest disc in
Tony says: and you shake it all about
Tony says: you do the burny burny and you turn around
Tony says: that's what it's all about
Tony says: ooooooooooooooh the burny burny
Tony says: oooooooooooooOoooh the burny Burny!
Mari @ Work says: funny boy
Tony says: having said all that.... couldn't hurt to get a couple of those gold DVDS.....
Monday, June 19, 2006
Josies patience with Daddy near's its end
Josie said something rude to Mari as we were about to drive out on Saturday morning and the following conversation snippet was heard:
Daddy: Josephine! I don't want to hear you talk like that to anyone much less mummy!
Josie: *SIGH* Well Mister Daddy, I already said it this morning and this morning.
Needless to say we failed to maintain our poker faces and Josie enjoyed another victory through hilarity.
Daddy: Josephine! I don't want to hear you talk like that to anyone much less mummy!
Josie: *SIGH* Well Mister Daddy, I already said it this morning and this morning.
Needless to say we failed to maintain our poker faces and Josie enjoyed another victory through hilarity.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Parent / Teacher Interview !
Tony and I went to our very first Parent/Teacher interview this morning!
I was a bit nervous!
We were told that Josie was doing very well, that she was settling in very well and was joining in on the activities and games. She loves to play indoors or outdoors and was exceptionally good at drawing and painting. In fact they said her drawing and painting skills were 'remarkable' for her age.
They said she was very independant and happy and bright, she could play happily by herself, or together with other kids.
We were shown her 'Portfolio Book' that has several pages now of drawings and paintings she has done. They were so SO good!!
She also did so well today when we were leaving.. no tears again, and just went and played at the table.
SUCH a good girl! We are so blessed ;-)
I was a bit nervous!
We were told that Josie was doing very well, that she was settling in very well and was joining in on the activities and games. She loves to play indoors or outdoors and was exceptionally good at drawing and painting. In fact they said her drawing and painting skills were 'remarkable' for her age.
They said she was very independant and happy and bright, she could play happily by herself, or together with other kids.
We were shown her 'Portfolio Book' that has several pages now of drawings and paintings she has done. They were so SO good!!
She also did so well today when we were leaving.. no tears again, and just went and played at the table.
SUCH a good girl! We are so blessed ;-)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Josie's Big Bed
Last night Wendy and I dropped in to Mum's place to attach a railing she'd bought to the bunk beds which are now in Josie's bedroom, and which she'll be sleeping on when at Mum's from now on.
We came in the front door to hear sounds coming from the bathroom which indicated that Miss Josie had just had a bath. We stuck our heads around the doorway and waited for her to notice us, whereupon she got an enormous grin on her face and proclaimed "It's MAT! And WENDY!!" She then let us know that "I splashed Grandpa!" and the completely soaked Grandpa in question was mute testimony to this.
She was very excited about having a big bed and left her dinner several times to go and look at it, and kept wanting to go to bed when usually she just wants to stay up forever. We'll have to wait till tonight to hear how she liked it.
We came in the front door to hear sounds coming from the bathroom which indicated that Miss Josie had just had a bath. We stuck our heads around the doorway and waited for her to notice us, whereupon she got an enormous grin on her face and proclaimed "It's MAT! And WENDY!!" She then let us know that "I splashed Grandpa!" and the completely soaked Grandpa in question was mute testimony to this.
She was very excited about having a big bed and left her dinner several times to go and look at it, and kept wanting to go to bed when usually she just wants to stay up forever. We'll have to wait till tonight to hear how she liked it.
Bob The Builder's Got Nothing On Josie
On Monday, Wendy and I set to work putting our newly-bought furniture together in our new flat. I was installing the new deadlock on the front door when I realised I needed a hacksaw. So I went to Bunnings to get one while Wendy set to work on the dining table.
By the time I got back she had the table and two chairs pretty much done. We ate our first meal - take-away bbq chicken and chips admittedly but I'll get cooking when everything's done - as the moon rose full over the ocean, in a sky pink with the fading sunset. It was quite a sight.
Ant, Mari and Josie were over at Vika's and I called them to see if they'd drop by on their way home. Mostly I wanted a few photos of the place as we put things together so that we could have a series of them from empty flat to fully furnished flat, and we didn't have our camera with us.
So drop by they did, and helped assemble furniture. Mari and Wendy got to work on the remaining dining chairs and coffee table, and then we all got stuck into the desk system for the study. Josie was helping anybody who looked like they were doing something interesting at the time. She was doing up bolts with an allen key like Tim the Tool Man - of course doing them up is only half the fun, you then have to undo them again .. and again ... and again.
She then carried the desk legs out of the room so we had space to put the frame together. The legs of the desk are as big as she is and she looked quite comical carrying them out. She took her jobs very seriously though - especially taking out large empty cardboard boxes that didn't quite fit through the door the way she was carrying them, catapulting her back into the room in a fit of giggles. She seemed to think this was the best fun she'd had in .. oh at least the last hour.
Josie then decided that the room was getting entirely too disorderly and some collecting together of the screws was necessary. So Ant and I are under the desk screwing the frame to the desktops .. and I'm reaching around for another screw .. nothing there. I stick my head up to look around .. no screws. Then I look over the other side of the room and Josie and Mari are sitting there with enormous grins on their faces while Josie surveys her 'dragon's hoard' of screws which she proceeds to fiercely guard.
Mari had to toss us screws - amidst many a "HEY!" from Josie the Dragon - or we'd never have gotten the thing put together. Josie also felt that an upside-down desk makes an excellent hopscotch arena, though I don't know how our neighbours downstairs felt about it.
By the end of the evening a very tired Josie was well on her way to earning her engineering degree.
By the time I got back she had the table and two chairs pretty much done. We ate our first meal - take-away bbq chicken and chips admittedly but I'll get cooking when everything's done - as the moon rose full over the ocean, in a sky pink with the fading sunset. It was quite a sight.
Ant, Mari and Josie were over at Vika's and I called them to see if they'd drop by on their way home. Mostly I wanted a few photos of the place as we put things together so that we could have a series of them from empty flat to fully furnished flat, and we didn't have our camera with us.
So drop by they did, and helped assemble furniture. Mari and Wendy got to work on the remaining dining chairs and coffee table, and then we all got stuck into the desk system for the study. Josie was helping anybody who looked like they were doing something interesting at the time. She was doing up bolts with an allen key like Tim the Tool Man - of course doing them up is only half the fun, you then have to undo them again .. and again ... and again.
She then carried the desk legs out of the room so we had space to put the frame together. The legs of the desk are as big as she is and she looked quite comical carrying them out. She took her jobs very seriously though - especially taking out large empty cardboard boxes that didn't quite fit through the door the way she was carrying them, catapulting her back into the room in a fit of giggles. She seemed to think this was the best fun she'd had in .. oh at least the last hour.
Josie then decided that the room was getting entirely too disorderly and some collecting together of the screws was necessary. So Ant and I are under the desk screwing the frame to the desktops .. and I'm reaching around for another screw .. nothing there. I stick my head up to look around .. no screws. Then I look over the other side of the room and Josie and Mari are sitting there with enormous grins on their faces while Josie surveys her 'dragon's hoard' of screws which she proceeds to fiercely guard.
Mari had to toss us screws - amidst many a "HEY!" from Josie the Dragon - or we'd never have gotten the thing put together. Josie also felt that an upside-down desk makes an excellent hopscotch arena, though I don't know how our neighbours downstairs felt about it.
By the end of the evening a very tired Josie was well on her way to earning her engineering degree.
More Josie'isms..
From Vika..
Josie was singing a Shabbat song then continuing into another song..
Josie: mamamamama……and mamamama….. and daddy is a boy…… and mamama….
Josie: And hey hey hey [hands flying into the air with each hey]
After about 2-3 min of this non stop...
Josie: Phew…. I had enough… [BIG sigh]
Driving on the way home, Josie wanted Vika to do something..
Vika: Josie, I cant do that now, I am driving
Josie: Granny driving too
Vika: Are you going to be driving soon too?
Josie: I need to grow first, my hands need to grow, not my nose
Josie was singing a Shabbat song then continuing into another song..
Josie: mamamamama……and mamamama….. and daddy is a boy…… and mamama….
Josie: And hey hey hey [hands flying into the air with each hey]
After about 2-3 min of this non stop...
Josie: Phew…. I had enough… [BIG sigh]
Driving on the way home, Josie wanted Vika to do something..
Vika: Josie, I cant do that now, I am driving
Josie: Granny driving too
Vika: Are you going to be driving soon too?
Josie: I need to grow first, my hands need to grow, not my nose
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
New Photos Uploaded !
Just wanted to let you know that I have uploaded new photos to Flikr finally. There are almost 80 new photos so check them out!
The link is over on the right.
The link is over on the right.
Monday, June 12, 2006
A Good Long Weekend

On Saturday Tony spent all day cleaning and decluttering, and I went and did the shopping and came home to help. We were nearly there by the end of the day and only had a few things left to do. In the evening we went and got some dinner and took it over to Vikas where we all had dinner and then we grabbed Josie and all went home.
Sunday was great fun! We went and saw Cars with Josie and Becka at Eastgardens. This was the second movie Josie has been to, the first one being Ice Age 2. She loved it and had a great time. On the way though we had this conversation:
Josie: Mama! Daddy! You need to cuddle!
[Tony and I cuddle a bit, its a touch difficult when one is in the passenger's seat and one is trying to drive the car!]
Josie: Ok, thats enuff!
[We retract limbs and affection, except Tony accidentally leaves his hand on my knee.]
Josie: Daddy!! I said ENUFF!
[Tony quickly retracts his hand..]

Josie had a long long weekend! It was jam packed with fun and family.

And its freezing!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
And From The Archives..
This was from January 10th, 2006.
I am trying to get him to check out a certain website..
george says: marina ----I try and dont understend what is final I have to see???????
Mari says: on the first page, there is a picture of a man in the bottom right corner of the box..
Mari says: click this and it will take you to the next page..
Mari says: follow the instructions
Mari says: keep clicking the man
george says: I click and read all
george says: then??
Mari says: on the last page it will guess the number
Mari says: what was the last thing you did ?
george says: it is not --it is just empty box
george says: I did step by step
Mari says: oh right, you type in there the number you get
Mari says: you should have a 3 digit number left over
Mari says: if you have followed the steps correctly
george says: send me again web
george says: i lost it
Mari says:
george says: it is not writing on this window
george says: I cant writing
george says: yuo try
Mari says: are you still on the first page??
george says: no I am on last
Mari says: so you can see the white box?
george says: yes but I cant write inside of box
Mari says: click in the white box and start typing numbers
Mari says: you wont see a curser, only the numbers
Mari says: and then click on the boy
george says: I click and nothing happends --I cant write
george says: you try
Mari says: i just did and it works for me
Mari says: are you typing numbers or letters?
george says: it is not working on my
george says: it is not typing inside of the bos
Mari says: are you trying to type NUMBERS or LETTERS?
george says: I try but it is not typing inside of the box
Mari says: OH
Mari says: MY
Mari says: GOD
george says: sorry
Mari says: NUMBERS?
Mari says: OR
Mari says: LETTERS?
george says: nothing typing
NB. At this point I am twitching like a madwoman!
Mari says: letters will not work! Dont try to type LETTERS
george says: ok now come in I will try
Mari says: type only NUMBERS
george says: ok
You know reading through that again, 6 months later, my eye is twitching again..
I am trying to get him to check out a certain website..
george says: marina ----I try and dont understend what is final I have to see???????
Mari says: on the first page, there is a picture of a man in the bottom right corner of the box..
Mari says: click this and it will take you to the next page..
Mari says: follow the instructions
Mari says: keep clicking the man
george says: I click and read all
george says: then??
Mari says: on the last page it will guess the number
Mari says: what was the last thing you did ?
george says: it is not --it is just empty box
george says: I did step by step
Mari says: oh right, you type in there the number you get
Mari says: you should have a 3 digit number left over
Mari says: if you have followed the steps correctly
george says: send me again web
george says: i lost it
Mari says:
george says: it is not writing on this window
george says: I cant writing
george says: yuo try
Mari says: are you still on the first page??
george says: no I am on last
Mari says: so you can see the white box?
george says: yes but I cant write inside of box
Mari says: click in the white box and start typing numbers
Mari says: you wont see a curser, only the numbers
Mari says: and then click on the boy
george says: I click and nothing happends --I cant write
george says: you try
Mari says: i just did and it works for me
Mari says: are you typing numbers or letters?
george says: it is not working on my
george says: it is not typing inside of the bos
Mari says: are you trying to type NUMBERS or LETTERS?
george says: I try but it is not typing inside of the box
Mari says: OH
Mari says: MY
Mari says: GOD
george says: sorry
Mari says: NUMBERS?
Mari says: OR
Mari says: LETTERS?
george says: nothing typing
NB. At this point I am twitching like a madwoman!
Mari says: letters will not work! Dont try to type LETTERS
george says: ok now come in I will try
Mari says: type only NUMBERS
george says: ok
You know reading through that again, 6 months later, my eye is twitching again..
Getting Better And Better !
So starting from this morning, we are driving in and see a big blue truck. Josie loves trucks!
Josie: Mummy! A big blue pwuck !
Mari: Yes honey, I see! Its very big isn’t it!
Josie: Yeh, you need to go there [pointing at the left lane]. You need to follow the pwuck!
Mari: No honey, I can’t, I need to stay in this lane. But I will pull up next to the truck?
I drive beside the truck, until we slow down and hit traffic. The truck’s lane starts moving forward, as does the truck.
Josie: Noooo! Mummy! Why are you going backwards!?!
She thought because the truck was moving forwards and we were stationary, that we were going backwards! How funny is that!
So then we get to school. I was relieved to find that Josie finally has her own locker (Which is actually just a couple of alcoves in a small bookcase type thing. The top alcove is small and square, and the bottom one is tall so as to fit her bag/umbrella etc). So far she has been using a box, cause they didn’t have a locker for her, but now she has her very own locker at school!
We put her bag in the bottom alcove and went and sat down with some toys. After a minute or so she noticed that the ladies in the kitchen were cutting up fruit and Challach (bread) so she went up to them and they gave her some of the challach which she loved. She had another piece and then Silke (her favourite teacher) came over and I went to leave. She hugged me, was a bit sad, but then went off with Silke.
As I was leaving, I stopped to sign her in and then read the ‘day book’ which is a book they keep of printed out photos and diary entries of what the kids did each day. As I was reading Josie came out and saw me there. She asked me what I was doing and I said I was reading. There were 3 little girls out in that area and one of them came over and said pointedly “I’m 5!” and I reacted suitable impressed. Then one of the other girls came over to Miss Five and said “I can pick you up!” and proceeded to try. Miss Five says “No you can’t! I’m Five!”, so the little girl goes over to Josie, wraps her arms around her waist and picks her up saying “Well I can pick you up!”. Josie was nonplussed and took it all in her stride as the little girl turned away, proclaiming to the others “See! I picked up Josie!”. It was so cute!
So then I told Josie that I was going and that she should go in and play. She gave me a quick grin and ran off inside.
It was the best drop off yet!
Josie: Mummy! A big blue pwuck !
Mari: Yes honey, I see! Its very big isn’t it!
Josie: Yeh, you need to go there [pointing at the left lane]. You need to follow the pwuck!
Mari: No honey, I can’t, I need to stay in this lane. But I will pull up next to the truck?
I drive beside the truck, until we slow down and hit traffic. The truck’s lane starts moving forward, as does the truck.
Josie: Noooo! Mummy! Why are you going backwards!?!
She thought because the truck was moving forwards and we were stationary, that we were going backwards! How funny is that!
So then we get to school. I was relieved to find that Josie finally has her own locker (Which is actually just a couple of alcoves in a small bookcase type thing. The top alcove is small and square, and the bottom one is tall so as to fit her bag/umbrella etc). So far she has been using a box, cause they didn’t have a locker for her, but now she has her very own locker at school!
We put her bag in the bottom alcove and went and sat down with some toys. After a minute or so she noticed that the ladies in the kitchen were cutting up fruit and Challach (bread) so she went up to them and they gave her some of the challach which she loved. She had another piece and then Silke (her favourite teacher) came over and I went to leave. She hugged me, was a bit sad, but then went off with Silke.
As I was leaving, I stopped to sign her in and then read the ‘day book’ which is a book they keep of printed out photos and diary entries of what the kids did each day. As I was reading Josie came out and saw me there. She asked me what I was doing and I said I was reading. There were 3 little girls out in that area and one of them came over and said pointedly “I’m 5!” and I reacted suitable impressed. Then one of the other girls came over to Miss Five and said “I can pick you up!” and proceeded to try. Miss Five says “No you can’t! I’m Five!”, so the little girl goes over to Josie, wraps her arms around her waist and picks her up saying “Well I can pick you up!”. Josie was nonplussed and took it all in her stride as the little girl turned away, proclaiming to the others “See! I picked up Josie!”. It was so cute!
So then I told Josie that I was going and that she should go in and play. She gave me a quick grin and ran off inside.
It was the best drop off yet!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Fun and Games on MSN
Daddy took Josie to school this morning, and the results were great!
No crying, again, no whimpering, no bottom lip, just kept on playing! Its getting better and better! Hopefully soon we will be able to leave her there full time! Or at least go to 4 days a week ;-)
Some conversations from yesterday at Baba's house:
Josie to Baba: You want me to be big like you and mama - give me chocolate!
Josie to Baba: I am big enough to NOT sleep!
And then once I arrived and she was playing up, not wanting to eat dinner, I put her in the naughty spot. From the naughty spot:
Josie: See I'm coughing so you not put food in my mouth! *cough cough*
On a different note, my MUM is finally ONLINE on MSN ! And OMG her english is SO much better than my dads!!!
Mari: hi mum
Mum: hi
Mari: do u have a present for becka's birthday ?
Mum: not yet iask her what she wants and wait for respond
Mari: i had an idea
Mum: hit me
*hit me* ?!?
And then after adding my sister to the conversation..
Mum: i have to go it was nice to talk to you by
Mari: heyyyy
Mari: dont go :(
vika has been added to the conversation.
Mari: hi vika!
Mari: convince mum to stay and talk to us!
vika: no
vika: both of u go away
Mari: her english is SO much better than dads!
vika: i know
vika: go away
Mari: :(
Mum: :D by thank you for your kindness i am touched
Mari: wow! and even using smilies!
Mari: I am just SO impressed!
vika: me 2
Mum: sory it was for marina
Mari: LOL
Mari: vika she is not smiling at you
Mum: love you both by
vika: will u both leave me alon
vika: bi
Mari: heheheh
Mari: ok bye bye
Mum: alone not alon
Mari: LOL!!! Now she is correcting your english.. oh I love it!
Mum: by
Mari: ok.. bye bye!
So then..
Mari: dad
George: da
Mari: Mum's english is SO much better than yours
George: thanks
Mari: SO SO SO much better
Mari: your english sucks, we all know this
Mari: its in my blog
Mari: but mums!
Mari: I was so impressed!
George: what is blog
Mari: my online diary
George: ok
George: i show mum yesterday how to operate msn and now i am in truobles
Mari: why ?
George: my spelling???
Mari: ohhhh
Mari: yes well, thats what happens
Mari: you should let her do all your typing
Honestly.. fun and games this morning..
No crying, again, no whimpering, no bottom lip, just kept on playing! Its getting better and better! Hopefully soon we will be able to leave her there full time! Or at least go to 4 days a week ;-)
Some conversations from yesterday at Baba's house:
Josie to Baba: You want me to be big like you and mama - give me chocolate!
Josie to Baba: I am big enough to NOT sleep!
And then once I arrived and she was playing up, not wanting to eat dinner, I put her in the naughty spot. From the naughty spot:
Josie: See I'm coughing so you not put food in my mouth! *cough cough*
On a different note, my MUM is finally ONLINE on MSN ! And OMG her english is SO much better than my dads!!!
Mari: hi mum
Mum: hi
Mari: do u have a present for becka's birthday ?
Mum: not yet iask her what she wants and wait for respond
Mari: i had an idea
Mum: hit me
*hit me* ?!?
And then after adding my sister to the conversation..
Mum: i have to go it was nice to talk to you by
Mari: heyyyy
Mari: dont go :(
vika has been added to the conversation.
Mari: hi vika!
Mari: convince mum to stay and talk to us!
vika: no
vika: both of u go away
Mari: her english is SO much better than dads!
vika: i know
vika: go away
Mari: :(
Mum: :D by thank you for your kindness i am touched
Mari: wow! and even using smilies!
Mari: I am just SO impressed!
vika: me 2
Mum: sory it was for marina
Mari: LOL
Mari: vika she is not smiling at you
Mum: love you both by
vika: will u both leave me alon
vika: bi
Mari: heheheh
Mari: ok bye bye
Mum: alone not alon
Mari: LOL!!! Now she is correcting your english.. oh I love it!
Mum: by
Mari: ok.. bye bye!
So then..
Mari: dad
George: da
Mari: Mum's english is SO much better than yours
George: thanks
Mari: SO SO SO much better
Mari: your english sucks, we all know this
Mari: its in my blog
Mari: but mums!
Mari: I was so impressed!
George: what is blog
Mari: my online diary
George: ok
George: i show mum yesterday how to operate msn and now i am in truobles
Mari: why ?
George: my spelling???
Mari: ohhhh
Mari: yes well, thats what happens
Mari: you should let her do all your typing
Honestly.. fun and games this morning..
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Less Than 3 Months To Go !
Well, 2 months, 4 weeks and 1 day to be precise!
I am so excited! Our US holiday is almost upon us!
We are flying out at 830pm on a Tuesday in September, 9.5 hours from Sydney to Honolulu (overnight thank god!) and arriving at about 930am on the same day! We are staying at the Outrigger Waikiki Shore in a 2 Bedroom Ocean Front room and have a Chevrolet HHR booked.
Josie is gonna have a fabulous time, but its gonna be so hard getting in at 930am, after being on the plane for so long, and then we can't check in till 3pm !!
Thank god we have Josie's Granny along with us for distraction and entertainment ;-)
So we are spending a week in Hawaii, checking out the sights, relaxing in the pool.. Heavan! Then the week after we take a 5 hour 11am flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles (Granny is flying home), to be met by Harri at LAX who will whisk us home to relax for the evening.
I can't wait to see Harri, even though she was just here, I am SO looking forward to seeing her new home, her new bathroom, her new husband! LOL. Well new husband, old boyfriend, well not old per se.. well you know what I mean! LOL. Hi Sven !! ;-)
I am also looking forward to seeing our old (again, not old per se, but you know what I mean!!) Uni roommate Allison who we haven't seen in ages!! Allison and Tony and I (as well as Jessica and.. uhm.. gosh what was his name.. he was german.. or something.. don't think it was Sven, but it was a very nordic kind of name.. in any case, we dont keep in touch with those two), anyways, we all lived on campus at the University of Wollongong and Allison and Tony and I just clicked and became fast friends. This was in the mid 90's and we have kept in touch since then, so almost 10 years now! We are so looking forward to seeing her, and introducing her to a very much older Josie!
Another person we are looking forward to seeing is Natalie, a friend of Allison's, who came out to Australia a while ago and who we spent some time with.
So anyways, we fly in, and then the next day is my birthday (29 forever, remember??) and we are hitting Disneyland! This should be so much fun and I am looking forward to seeing Josie's reaction!
The next day is free so far I think and I am hoping to score tickets to a taping of The Ellen Show!
The day after that is Universal Studios I think ?? And then Legoland?? Not sure about the rest of the week, but I am sure Harri has it all organised!
I am going to take a tonne of photos and mpgs! I am glad Tony is taking his laptop cause I am going to need a few 2Gig SD cards otherwise!
We fly out mid September at 1pm on a 14 hour flight (eek!!) and arrive in Sydney at about 830pm!
Its going to be the most fantastic few weeks ever! I am goign to have to restrain myself on the souvineers!! Magnets for me, mum and Vika.. stuff for the kids.. stuff for a few adults.. ack!!
Have I mentioned how excited I am ?!?!
I am so excited! Our US holiday is almost upon us!
We are flying out at 830pm on a Tuesday in September, 9.5 hours from Sydney to Honolulu (overnight thank god!) and arriving at about 930am on the same day! We are staying at the Outrigger Waikiki Shore in a 2 Bedroom Ocean Front room and have a Chevrolet HHR booked.
Josie is gonna have a fabulous time, but its gonna be so hard getting in at 930am, after being on the plane for so long, and then we can't check in till 3pm !!
Thank god we have Josie's Granny along with us for distraction and entertainment ;-)
So we are spending a week in Hawaii, checking out the sights, relaxing in the pool.. Heavan! Then the week after we take a 5 hour 11am flight from Honolulu to Los Angeles (Granny is flying home), to be met by Harri at LAX who will whisk us home to relax for the evening.
I can't wait to see Harri, even though she was just here, I am SO looking forward to seeing her new home, her new bathroom, her new husband! LOL. Well new husband, old boyfriend, well not old per se.. well you know what I mean! LOL. Hi Sven !! ;-)
I am also looking forward to seeing our old (again, not old per se, but you know what I mean!!) Uni roommate Allison who we haven't seen in ages!! Allison and Tony and I (as well as Jessica and.. uhm.. gosh what was his name.. he was german.. or something.. don't think it was Sven, but it was a very nordic kind of name.. in any case, we dont keep in touch with those two), anyways, we all lived on campus at the University of Wollongong and Allison and Tony and I just clicked and became fast friends. This was in the mid 90's and we have kept in touch since then, so almost 10 years now! We are so looking forward to seeing her, and introducing her to a very much older Josie!
Another person we are looking forward to seeing is Natalie, a friend of Allison's, who came out to Australia a while ago and who we spent some time with.
So anyways, we fly in, and then the next day is my birthday (29 forever, remember??) and we are hitting Disneyland! This should be so much fun and I am looking forward to seeing Josie's reaction!
The next day is free so far I think and I am hoping to score tickets to a taping of The Ellen Show!
The day after that is Universal Studios I think ?? And then Legoland?? Not sure about the rest of the week, but I am sure Harri has it all organised!
I am going to take a tonne of photos and mpgs! I am glad Tony is taking his laptop cause I am going to need a few 2Gig SD cards otherwise!
We fly out mid September at 1pm on a 14 hour flight (eek!!) and arrive in Sydney at about 830pm!
Its going to be the most fantastic few weeks ever! I am goign to have to restrain myself on the souvineers!! Magnets for me, mum and Vika.. stuff for the kids.. stuff for a few adults.. ack!!
Have I mentioned how excited I am ?!?!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
More Josie'isms and Back To Routine..
I'm so pleased!
Josie has been complaining that she doesn't go to Vika's after school anymore. So my wonderful sister has arranged to leave work an hour early on Mondays in order to pick up Josie from school by 330pm.
Josie is thrilled to be going to Vika's after school again!
Also, yesterday we had a great drop off in the morning! Such a marked improvement from last week!
Absolutely no tears, no whimpering, she just sat down at the table and started playing with stuff. I asked for a kiss, she gave me her cheek, I kissed it and left.. (I had to briefly come back to get something from her back, but it didnt make too much of a difference!).
She had a lovely day and when Vika came to pick her up she exclaimed: You're picking me up! You're picking me up!
And now from the Desk of Vika..
Josie: Becka wake up, Becka, Becka!!
Josie: OH NO!! who needs help??
Josie: Becka needs help!!
Josie: daddy is a boy, he does his peepees standing up
Josie: oh no i sneezed, i need your pen
Josie playing with her sunglasses in the car.
Vika: Josie, be careful you can break them.
Josie: Not MY problem!!
Becka and Josie singing a song. Mid song:
Becka: give me five
Josie: I am NOT finished singing yet!
... and goes back to singing
And then from the desk of Baba:
Josie's toy broke, so she sat there for a while trying to fix it.. finally she grew frustrated and broke into song:
Josie: Bob the Builder! Help me fix it!
And then she started taking her jumper off.
Baba: No Josie! Keep that on or you will go to the Naughty Spot!
Josie: Why you scare me with the Naughty Spot??
And thats all folks.. ;-)
Josie has been complaining that she doesn't go to Vika's after school anymore. So my wonderful sister has arranged to leave work an hour early on Mondays in order to pick up Josie from school by 330pm.
Josie is thrilled to be going to Vika's after school again!
Also, yesterday we had a great drop off in the morning! Such a marked improvement from last week!
Absolutely no tears, no whimpering, she just sat down at the table and started playing with stuff. I asked for a kiss, she gave me her cheek, I kissed it and left.. (I had to briefly come back to get something from her back, but it didnt make too much of a difference!).
She had a lovely day and when Vika came to pick her up she exclaimed: You're picking me up! You're picking me up!
And now from the Desk of Vika..
Josie: Becka wake up, Becka, Becka!!
Josie: OH NO!! who needs help??
Josie: Becka needs help!!
Josie: daddy is a boy, he does his peepees standing up
Josie: oh no i sneezed, i need your pen
Josie playing with her sunglasses in the car.
Vika: Josie, be careful you can break them.
Josie: Not MY problem!!
Becka and Josie singing a song. Mid song:
Becka: give me five
Josie: I am NOT finished singing yet!
... and goes back to singing
And then from the desk of Baba:
Josie's toy broke, so she sat there for a while trying to fix it.. finally she grew frustrated and broke into song:
Josie: Bob the Builder! Help me fix it!
And then she started taking her jumper off.
Baba: No Josie! Keep that on or you will go to the Naughty Spot!
Josie: Why you scare me with the Naughty Spot??
And thats all folks.. ;-)
Monday, June 05, 2006
Man! I Feel Like a Woman!
Its a question of gender..
Josie: Daddy's a boy and Uncle Mat's a boy and mummy's a girl and I'm a girl!
Mari: Thats right honey, thats exactly right!
Josie: So all these boys are not girls, they're boys!
Glad we sorted that out..
Josie: Daddy's a boy and Uncle Mat's a boy and mummy's a girl and I'm a girl!
Mari: Thats right honey, thats exactly right!
Josie: So all these boys are not girls, they're boys!
Glad we sorted that out..
Friday, June 02, 2006
UTIs and Thrush ;-(
Josie has a mild case of thrush and a UTI at the moment.
Poor thing has been afraid to go to the toilet for the last couple of days because it hurts to pee.
Thank god the antibiotics are starting to kick in cause she has started using the toilet again.
She is at Baba's today playing with Becka. They went to the park this morning and played there for a while and when they came home I asked Baba to put Josie in the bath for a while to clean the area, but Josie didn't want to so I told Becka to let her know that the bath would help with the itching and pain. Luckily she convinced her, but with this proviso:
"fine, but im not washing my hair its nice the doctor fixed it for me and now it looks nice".
Poor thing has been afraid to go to the toilet for the last couple of days because it hurts to pee.
Thank god the antibiotics are starting to kick in cause she has started using the toilet again.
She is at Baba's today playing with Becka. They went to the park this morning and played there for a while and when they came home I asked Baba to put Josie in the bath for a while to clean the area, but Josie didn't want to so I told Becka to let her know that the bath would help with the itching and pain. Luckily she convinced her, but with this proviso:
"fine, but im not washing my hair its nice the doctor fixed it for me and now it looks nice".
Little Imperious
The pants have definitely shifted from Mari to Josie in this family.
While listenning to the Australian stage production of The Sound Of Music on the drive to Baba's this morning:
TSoM: "...when you sing you begin with Do Ray Me..."
Josie: Well? Sing.
Daddy: Yes ma'am, Do Ray Meee...
Chuckling as I looked in the rearview mirror, she reminded me very much of Queenie from BlackAdderII. Sitting there in her car seat/throne.
While listenning to the Australian stage production of The Sound Of Music on the drive to Baba's this morning:
TSoM: "...when you sing you begin with Do Ray Me..."
Josie: Well? Sing.
Daddy: Yes ma'am, Do Ray Meee...
Chuckling as I looked in the rearview mirror, she reminded me very much of Queenie from BlackAdderII. Sitting there in her car seat/throne.
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