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Monday, May 15, 2006

A Busy Weekend

All of us had a huge weekend.

Firstly, Josie had a good day at school on Friday. After the Mothers Day Breakfast she played with the toys and with the other kids. In fact when Granny picked her up she was playing with 3 boys (Daddy is making quiet enquiries into shotgun licenses ;-). Apparently they were playing chasings and Josie was having a great time ;-)

Saturday, in preparation for the sale of our home, which has now moved from beginning June, to end of June, I took Josie to Vika's which Tony and I made a good stab at painting and decluttering.

While Tony painted the cornices, which look much better, I made inroads into the third bedroom (formerly known as Becka's room, now known as the spare room). I think we did a great job.

Because of the painting in Josie's room she has been sleeping with us the last couple of nights. Thank god for the King bed! Having said that, she is still sleeping right up against me! I thought I might trick her and changed sides with Tony while she was already asleep, but you can't fool her! She *still* migrated over to me through the night. It must be the warmth ;-)

She scared the spit outta me last night, I was just falling asleep when she started moving around and rubbing her eyes, which is normal. But then out of nowhere she clapped her hands three times, right out in front of her, and then rubbed her eyes again, turned over and continued sleeping! Geez!!! Freaked me right out!

So tonight we will put her room back together and she can go back to her own bed and stop scaring mummy!

Ok so back to Saturday, we spent all day doing that, and then at 530pm went to Vika's for a Pre Mother's Day dinner with my parents. It love a lovely Chinese dinner, and then Vika handed me this (on paper):

Your daughter – chatterbox, talking non stop on any subject you like, here is sample after driving in the car with Josie for a little while:

1. Josie: I went to doctor and doctor brushed my hair. I need to go to doctor. I need big hair like Beckas. I need to go to doctor. Mummy took me to doctor. Now its your turn to take me to doctor.

2. Driving past a man walking 2 dogs.
Josie: Rascal is a doggie, a boy doggie.
Josie: He has a friend, doggie friend, boy doggie. He is a small doggie and Rascal likes to bite him.
Josie: He likes to play with Kitty Kitty. I told him not to touch Kitty Kitty, he was going to touch Kitty Kitty. He listened to me.

3. Rebecca going home to clean the house, talking to Josie about it.
Becka: You are going home to clean your house!
Josie: No Way!!!
Becka: Why not?
Josie: Because I am not big enough yet, I am still little now!
Becka: When are you going to be big?
Josie: At Vicka’s house

Ok so she's a little talkative.. gets it from her father ! Actually, gets it from her Deda !

So that was Saturday.

Sunday was Mothers Day and we went to Kam Fook for Yum Cha with Mat & Wendy, Gloria, Wendy's parents and Jacqui. It was yummy! Josie was on her best behaviour and sat at the table and had her lunch.. I was very proud of her ;-)

The afterwards I took her grocery shopping while Tony went and finished the painting.

When we got home I took Josie downstairs to ride her bike for a while and then when we came back up Tony gave me my mother's day present. It was a gorgeous Nursery Rhyme and Bedtime Story book set for just me and Josie to read. I thought it was a lovely thought.

We straight away lay down on the bed and I read to her. It had the correct effect, except on the wrong person! *I* then fell asleep and Josie went off to the living room while I napped for about an hour. That was nice!

So that was pretty much our weekend. Next weekend we have to deal with the garage and then we can start moving stuff into boxes and down to the garage.

Oh what fun!


Anonymous said...

LOL... very funny that Mum fell asleep to the story book :) Same happened to me last night except I was reading a business weekly mag. Oh fun!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

During the Mother's Day lunch at Kam Fook, I left the table to take Josie to see the seafood tanks (later I thought this a bad move as it left mum free to embarrass me in my absence but I am told she restrained herself) as she was getting a little restless and had taken to sitting underneath the table and tickling peoples' legs. *grin* Some things Josie said on Mother's Day before I forget them:

Mat: Look Josie! Fishies!
Josie: Yeah! BIG fishies!
Mat: And lobsters!
Josie: Yeah! I like lobsters! Don't like crabs (eyeing the tank above the lobsters filled with crabs).
Mat: And here are more fish ..
Josie: SNAKES!
Mat: Sort of .. these are eels. They're like snakes but they live underwater.
Josie: Snakes.
Mat: Eels.
Josie: Snakes!
Random child also looking at the tank (quietly): Eels.
Mat: Fine have it your own way.
Mat: (lifting her up over the one tank that was open at the top) Want me to put you in with the fishies?
Josie: Nooooo!
Mat: Why not?
Josie: The fish will bite me!
Mat: Oh .. ok then.

Then she wanted to wander into the upstairs area but waitpeople were coming down the stairs constantly and I didn't want her to get stepped on. I suggested we go see what mummy and daddy were up to. She thinks about this for a moment and then nods her head and waves her hand imperiously with a "Take me to mummy and daddy" .. you can almost hear her saying "lackey" at the end.