We decided to have an outing today so this morning, after a quick trip to Granny's to fix clothes lines and printers we were off to Darling Harbour. It was a bit of an expensive outing but it was fun.

First we went to Star city for lunch, which we really should have just gone to Cockle Bay Wharf.

Then we parked in the Convention Centre and walked round to the Sydney Aquarium. That was a whole lot of fun, Josie has been before but not in a couple of years so the experience was all new to her and she enjoyed it a lot more this time.

We walked all around and Josie really loved the Seals and Sharks and kept going back to pat the star fish.

We stayed there a few hours and then walked back around, stopping briefly at the
Lindt Chocolat Cafe. We couldn't walk out without buying some chocolate of course.

Then we popped into iMax and saw Deep Sea 3D. As per usual Josie was quite afraid the first 15 minutes or so, especially since the two trailers they showed were about Lions and Sea Monsters! After a while she did enjoy it but she wouldn't put the glasses on. Probably a good thing. I really enjoyed it though.

After that it was about 6pm and getting quite dark so we walked back to the car and came back home.

All in all it was a good afternoon out!

I have uploaded some photos to Flickr, check out the link on the right..
What the??? Love the fun outing and see you all spend family time, but what's up with Spuds head? Please tell me he shaved it off for charity *fingers Xd*
Nup.. he got sick of the hair. I must say it has grown on me. I like it shaved now. And I especially like him being able to get out of the house in 15 minutes in the mornings now!
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