We had a jam packed bumper long weekend!

Firstly on Friday I got up with Missy Pants and Mr Tony got to sleep till midday! Then we all went and picked up Baba and went to Vika's place to celebrate Jayden's birthday and Pesach.

Had a magnificant lunch, everything was soooo good! Then we brought out the PS2 and played Singstar. We had a fantastic time all singing along to different songs, especially Josie was had Do Wah Diddy down pat! Josie fell asleep absolutely knackered on the way to drop Baba back home.

And the next morning we all woke up at 900am! Which was not good since we had to meet Vika, Becka, Anna and Jayden for a movie and lunch! We managed to get there only about 15 mins late! We saw Happily Never After, which while it was great for the kids.. well it was boring as bat poo for the adults. Then we went and had lunch and played in the playground for a while. After that we went to Borders where I bought a bunch of books and after a brief stop at Uncle Mat's for dinner, where Daddy's cousins Marty and Bradley were visiting, we came home. Josie had lots fo fun with her Uncles Marty and Bradley!

On Sunday was Daddy's birthday so I got up and took Josie shopping where it didn't actually occur to me that it was Easter Sunday and nothing would be open! We got to the shopping centre to find that nothing was open of course so we got back in the car and went to a playground near home. Josie had lots of fun playing on all the equipment, and then around 1030am we went home to wake up daddy, give him his presents and get ready to go out to lunch with Trudy & family.
Josie gave daddy Seasons 5 & 6 of Northern Exposure and
two tshirts from
The Lascivious Biddies. Daddy is a big fan of the Biddies.

So we got daddy out of bed, got ready and went off to have lunch at a lovely Chinese place.

Lunch was yummy and afterwards Jacqui took Josie down to the nearby playground where Josie played on the jumping castles for a while.

Once I got there it started really raining hard and Jacqui and Phillip and I huddled under a small cover while Josie was safely in the jumping castle, until of course she decided she wanted to come and wait with us, at which point she, and Jacqui who went to get her, got absolutely drenched.

After changing her we went to Uncle Mat's place when we played the new Guitar Star (?) game that daddy got from Uncle Mat for his birthday. Its basically like Singstar except you have a guitar and you have to follow notes on the screen. Damn hard if you ask me but Tony loved it.

So afterwards we and Jacqui and Philip went back to our place to play some board games.. we played Name That Tune till very late and then Tony took Jacqui and Philip home.
And here is where it starts to go pear shaped..
He got back pretty quick and we were just getting ready for bed when Josie woke up crying. Tony went to her, and took her to the toilet, just in time for her to throw up all her veges on the floor (she was standing between the toilet and the bath and for some reason daddy did not have the presence of mind to turn her to one of the two!). After putting her in the bath while I cleaned up the floor, we took her into our bed. By the time we got in bed it was about 330am. Between then and about 930am when we all woke up, she threw up about 4 times, and we changed the sheets about 4 times. We were on our last sheet!
She was not a happy chappy today. She can't keep anything down. Even water has to be doled out little by little. She has been having the hydrolyte solution 2.5ml at a time and throwing up every few hours. She is exhausted and very lethargic and wanting water and food but we cant give her anything to eat and not much water because she keeps throwing it up. My poor bubby. She had a 2 hour sleep in the evening and its now 1030pm and she has just fallen asleep again.
Tony is going to stay home with her tomorrow. Hopefully she will be able to keep liquids down then.
Update: April 10th
I stayed home from work today cause Tony wasn't feeling well either and was up every couple of hours overnight. Josie didn't throw up overnight but she did wake up every couple of hours for a drink of water. Tony gave her bits at a time and she woke up at around 630am and I got up with her. She threw up one more time around 730am and then nothing for the rest of the day. I limited the water because she threw up about 5 minutes after having some water, so we were giving her about 4ml of hydrolite and a few sips of water every 30 minutes or so. Eventually she perked up and there was no sore tummy and no throwing up so we gave her some toast and more water and by the time she went to bed, she was much better. Probably just a 24 hour stomach bug thing.
1 comment:
YaY that you got the parcel :) But pooky bum that Josie is not feeling well :( Get well soon Josie :) Luv Auntie Hawwi
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