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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Busy Busy Weekend !

We had a chocka-block weekend.

Friday night we had Shabbat at Uncle Mat's. We took out the Shabbat box from school and had lots of fun setting it all up and saying the prayers.

Saturday we went and saw Meet The Robinsons with Michelle and Rachel who were back from holidays. Josie and Rachel were very excited to see eachother again. So much so that for the first time in a year or more, Josie did not spend 70% of the movie moaning on Tony's lap that she was scared and wanted to go home. She and Rachel sat side by side, and even moved to the row in front of us.

We all thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It has been a while since a really good animated movie came out. It was a great storyline, great cast and writing.

Afterwards Tony and Michelle took the kids to the Playground, where they met Sam and Ben, and the kids all played there for a couple of hours while I went to Woolies and did the grocery shopping.

We had a quiet afternoon. I even had a nap. Then Vika and Becka came over on their way to a Barmitzvah, Becka had just come back from two weeks in Melbourne. Josie was very happy to see Becka and even more excited with the Snow White doll Becka brought her.

About 2am on Sunday morning I woke up with the most massive headache, dare I say, migraine even. It was just shooting, throbbing, stabbing head pain. I took a panadeine forte and that knocked me out till about 730am when Josie woke us, and I had a smaller, dull headache, and I took a Panamax Co (having run out of PF), and then slept till 10am. I was very grateful to Tony who was supposed to sleep in, but got up and let me sleep my headache off. I woke at 10am feeling very weak but got up to get ready to go to Trudy's for lunch.

I had asked mum to make some russian food for lunch, which we picked up on the way, and it was a great hit with everyone.

Another treat for Josie was picking up Rachel on the way to Trudy's. The girls had a ball together all day and played like little angels all day. They kept eachother entertained and were just wonderful.

So now we are home, Josie and Rachel both fell asleep in the car on the way home.

And school starts tomorrow! Woohoo!

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