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Monday, April 30, 2007

Like father like daughter...

This morning mummy had a heck of a time getting Miss Josephine out of (our) bed.

She had a VERY late night on Saturday night due to her father being a schmuck (ie thinking it was around 8:30pm when in fact it was 9:45PM!) and has been recovering ever since (as while she has started to sleep later into the morning when she has a late night the night before, she still doesn't sleep quite as long as she needs to to be completely recovered in one session).

So this morning mummy had to get her pants/nappy off and undies, pants and socks on (with the little queen doing her best to ignore it and her best impression of a log) followed by various methods of enticement to try to get her to co-operate when it came time to do the more tricky job of getting her top changed.

The conversation (one sided as it was) went something like this:
Mummy: Josie...time ot get up.
Josie: ....*turns over onto her front*
Mummy: *in her excited, pep the kid up voice* c'mon! You'll be late for school! You don't wanna miss school!
Josie: ....*continues to lay prone - no response*
Mummy: You have playball today! You love playball!
Josie: ....
Mummy: Jooose! C'mon! Mummy has to go to work and you have to get to school!!! *mummy is starting to twitch around the left eye*
Josie: ....
Mummy: Rachel and Miriam will be there already! *usually the ultimate enticement*
Josie: .... *movement! has this done the trick?!*....*reaches out one hand and pulls covers firmly over head*....
Daddy: _until now trying to sleep through all this_ *laughs*
Mummy: Right that's it! *hauls the kid out of bed - kicking and yelling btw - and forces her to get dressed*

She managed to mollify the kid with promises of "flat ham" and "'matoes" in the car but I swear if the kid had had a handy toy - like a barbie or somethin' - she would have beaten her mum sadistically about the face and neck when she hauled her out of the bed.

'Kid likes her sleep.

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