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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A Chip Off The Old Block

It's Sunday, and I'm cooking dinner tonight for my mate Karsoe. It was his birthday the day before but I was booked out and couldn't attend any festivities. Sounds like he drank my share of alcohol anyway.

After working out what I was going to cook, I vegged most of the day - playing a few new PC games I'd bought recently, now that my newly upgraded beast of a PC was completed. Ant and Josie came round at about 4pm, and I needed to go buy ingredients. First I needed a shower. Hadn't had one yet that day.

So I'm showering and Miss Josie decides she needs to go to the toilet. No problem in our flat, the toilet cubicle is separate to the rest of the bathroom. But it does share a wall, that only comes up so far and then there's a two foot gap to the ceiling.

Josie, being as bodily functions obsessed as her parents, began the following conversation:
Josie: Uncle Mat!
Mat (in the shower): Yes Josie?
Josie: I'm pooing!
Mat: Oooo-kay .... is it a small poo?
Josie: ... *grunt* .. NO! ....
Mat: I see ..

Someone needs to explain to her the concept of Too Much Information. *grin* At least she was back to normal and wasn't exploding, that gap in the wall carries more than sound.

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