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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Shots and Cockapus'

After two nights at Baba's we picked Josie up this morning. Dyeda had been fishing this morning so when I came upstairs to get her (Tony waited in the car) she very proudly showed me how Dyeda had caught lots of fish including a catfish and an octopus!

Josie: Look mummy, Dyeda caught lots of fish!
Mummy: Wow!
Josie: Daddy sometimes has to throw fish back...
Mummy: That's cause Daddy sometimes catches small fish.

And then in the car on our way to see Doctor Robert afterwards..

Mummy: Josie, tell Daddy about what Dyeda showed you..
Josie: Daddy, Dyeda caught lots of fish...
Mummy: And what else?
Josie: A... an.. a.. cocka.. uhhm... no...I made a mistake... an octopus!
Mummy spends a few minutes laughing hysterically.
Josie: What??? Why are you laughing Mummy? I was wrong!
Mummy spends another few minutes laughing.

We had a quick appt with the Dr. He checked Tony over, who was feeling better, and then gave Josie her 4YO shots in the arm. Josie was a real trouper, didn't cry at all.

We spent the rest of the day lazing around, playing with the PS2, having naps (well me and Tony) and watching Superman Returns.

A very lazy day.

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