What a lovely relaxing day! I am so glad we changed Disneyland to tomorrow!
Today we woke up at about 9am (got Tony up at about midday). Once Tony got up, Harri and I went to get a pedicure!

I have never had a pedicure before. I sat down in this huge massage chair that had a little foot spa at the end of it and the lady did the pedicure, massaged my feet and legs and paited my toes a gorgeous pinkish purple, and then painted little flowers on the toes. I will put in a photo of my toes when I get back. It looks just gorgeous, and just in time for open toed shoe season.

After that we hung around at the house, and then Allison and her friend Donna came over to join us for dinner at an italian restaurant. We had to walk about 10 blocks down to the beach to get there so we took Sven's little go-cart thing for Josie to ride in. It was so cute, he had put in a blanket and pillow, and it had a handle and everything, so Josie climbed in and we basically pulled her along for 10 blocks to the restaurant. She loved it!

It was great seeing Allison again, we haven't seen her in ages! For those who don't know, Allison roomed with us at Uni in Wollongong and we hit it off right away. We have kept in touch all these years and hooked her up with Harri and they also clicked right away, and now Harri and Allison live really close to eachother and are great mates too! I think thats just fabulous!
So we caught up with Allison, and got to know her friend Donna, who was also just lovely.

Dinner was fabulous, desert was delicious (and on the house for my birthday!).
We got back pretty late and by the time we said our bye byes, made plans for tomorrow and got ready for bed it was about 11pm.

Josie has been having some very late nights! I think thats good though tonight cause it means she will sleep in tomorrow and be less tired for our big day!
So its just a short update tonight.. I need to get to bed!
~Later Dudes~

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