The photoshoot was just incredible and Josie just thoroughly enjoyed herself.

We started out with a green backdrop, a green dress and a red iceblock. Josie did so well and I swear she's gonna be a model some day! She did all the poses and cooperated so well. At first anyway! ;-)
The promise of nakedness and paint kept her in line!

The pictures were just amazing. I can't even describe it. She was head to toe in paint and making the most beautiful designs on the white paper with her feet and bum.

Wowo is her favourite toy. He is a little white (well white when he is clean!) dog that is sold in Coles, Kmart and Target and we have maybe 30 of them lying around the families.
Well Wowo went on a wild ride today. Josie went nuts painting him all different colours. We got some photos of Wowo and he is now drying in the garage. I will put him up in her room on display. And also the resulting painting she did with her feet, I am taking home to do something with. Probably get it framed at some stage.

After they got out we all walked down to Huntington Beach to go for a walk along the shoreline. We took the radio flyer again for Josie to ride down in.
When we got down to the water, Josie just went nuts! She really didnt like the waves and the water at the beach in Hawaii. She was scared of the waves.When we got to the beach today, she was more excited about building sandcastles that the water, but then we didnt stop for sandcastles and went straight to the water.
It was absoutely FREEZING at first! BRR! But then we got used to it and Josie got used to it too after a short time in daddy's arms.
And then it was just free for all! Josie absolutely went NUTS, running into the water, getting absolutely saturated with water.
I didnt expect this so she was in a skirt and tshirt. A white tshirt that was brown when we got home!
She ran almost the entire walk from one side of the beach to the other! I think it took about an hour or more to do the walk and she was running the whole way, screaming at the top of her lungs, jumping in and out of the water, rolling around in the sand (mummy was just trying to restrain her shuddering every few minutes!).
We got some fantastic pictures of her absolutely drenched! In actual fact, both Tony and I got completely drenched as well!
On the way home, because we were just not prepared, we had to wrap her in a blanket so she didnt freeze. Poor thing was like a mummy!
So we got home and all three of us jumped into the shower together. It was SO good to wash all the sand off!! ;-)Then Allison came over and we had a fabulous Taco dinner and then Sven showed us the photos from the photoshoot. Amazing. Utterly amazing!!
So thats it for today. We have decided not to do Universal Studios tomorrow. There is really nothing much for Josie there and we would rather save the money. So its off to Hollywood and Santa Monica tomorrow! And then home to pack!! ;-( Waaa!!
~Dun Wanna Go!!~
1 comment:
Absolutely can't wait to see the photos. They ALL sound ammmmaaaaaaaaaaaazing!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Gorgeous ;o)
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