We had decided to visit the Waikiki Aquarium, the Honolulu Zoo (they are both quite small we were told) and then go to Tony Roma's for dinner.

Well, again, getting Tony out of bed is like getting me out of a shop with MAGNETS lining the walls!

We got going around 1pm. Got to the Aquarium and had a look around. It was lovely but obviously doesn't compare to Sydney Aquarium. Didn't take us long to get through it all, and Josie loved all the fish and seals etc. They even had Seadragons imported from Australia!

By the time we got out of there is was almost 3pm and we hadn't had lunch yet so we decided to go to Tony Roma's for a late lunch and then go to the Zoo.

Got to Tony Roma's and of course had the ribs. It was delicious!

We were sitting against a wall and Tony was on the side of the wall next to Josie. Of course Josie had her lunch and then got board so was climbing back and forth behind Tony.
Tony: Josie what ARE you doing!?!?
Josie: I'm just trying to get in your BUM!
..at which point we all burst out laughing.

After that we drove Gloria back to the hotel and we went off to the zoo. Of course by the time we got there it was closed. Doh! So we are gonna try that tomorrow now.

So we got back and decided to go down to the beach.

Now we ALL know how much I DETEST sand. Its common knowledge. I hate the beach, I hate sand and I would much rather go swimming in a nice clean pool. So we get down there, spread out a towel and Josie gets right down to building a sandcastle. Lovely. We took her down to the water for a bit but she was scared of the waves. We watched the sunset over the water which was lovely and took some photos.

Then we went upstairs and took a lovely shower and got all the sand out and Mummy was much happier at that point.

Josie had her dinner (she has been living on vegemite sandwiches, cherry tomatos, schnitzel and fish rissoles, but I think we will run out of everything by the end of the Hawaii trip. I hope Harri has some Vegemite!! Or at least knows where to get some!) and then Tony took her to bed.
After she was fast asleep, Tony and I went for a walk to the local convenience store to check it out. Gloria has been raving about the ABC Store, and when we got there it was like Chachki Heavan! Managed to get some nice Souvineers for people.
Tomorrow we hit the Zoo, Hilo Hattie's (another Chacki place to get some shirts, tops, shorts etc) and Ala Moana (Shopping Centre I think??). Should be fun!
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