We ended up doing all of that except the scrapbooking store. By the time we got out of the zoo it was almost 3pm again, and what do you know, we were starving and tired as!

So the Zoo was lovely. Again, doesn't compare to Taronga, but it was great. It was so hot though that most of the animals were off hiding in the shade, except for the Hippos who were frolicking in the water.

Bought a few souvineers (the fridge in the room is amassing a nice collection of Magnets, shhh! Don't tell my mum!), then went off to The Old Spagetti Factory.

On the way the following conversation was heard:
Josie: Daddy, are we going swimming now?
Daddy: No honey, we are going to have lunch, and then later we'll go swimming.
Josie: Bugger.
The place where The Old Spagetti Factory was, was like an outlet centre type thing. When we got there the restaurant was closed till 5pm dinner, so we had an hour to kill. We went through a few shops but we were just buggered so we grabbed a table and chairs and sat around looking at our watches.
At one point Gloria went off to look at some shops and we were at the table for a while till I needed to go to the loo. As I approached the loo, Gloria was standing at the ATM right next to it, looking confused and frustrated.
Mari: Whats up?
Gloria: I don't understand why my credit card won't work..
[Waves card around at Mari]
Mari (with rolling eyes): Uhm, because thats your drivers license..
[Walks off to the toilet shaking her head]
So we got to The Old Spagetti Factory and got seated. I am not a huge fan of spag bol, or any kind of spag really. Tony and Gloria loved it, and I must admit the bill was astonishingly low, especially compared to Tony Roma's.

By the time we got home it was far too late to swim (about 7pm) and we were all just nackered. Managed to download our photos so far to the laptop and clear both my and Gloria's memory cards. Then Tony took Josie to bed.

After a few minutes there was a lovely fireworks display, which we all watched, and then it was really time for bed. While Tony was in with Josie, I got a real treat! Days of our Lives was on! It was great watching an episode from 3 months ahead!
And that brings me to now.. Tomorrow's plans are:
Get Tony out of bed by 830pm. Out of the room by 930am. Off to buy souvineers! and shirts and stuff, then a scrapbooking shop, then a shopping Centre, then back to the main drag to have lunch at this place that had that huge aquarium display I mentioned the other day, then to the Magnet shop, then another scrapbooking shop and then home. Hopefully we will be back in time to do some swimming!
As an addendum, I would like to thank Ryan Ozawa from Hawaii Up Podcast for the suggestions on what to do in Hawaii that he emailed Tony about. Its really helped us in deciding what to do!
Tony getting out of bed at 830pm... that sounds normal :)
So funny to read of Gloria's ATM probs.. glad to see the machine didn't gobble it up!!!
Great to learn that you're all having so much fun and I can't WAIT to see you on Tuesday night!!!
Luv Harika
LOL.. it does! He WISHES though! LOL!
Don't let Ant into The Sharper Image at the Ala Moana or you'll never see him again. Hmm .. come to think of it ...
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