Friday, September 29, 2006
Ok! Photos Are Up!
These are the photos that Sven took.. some of them..
Blog updates from the trip will be updated tonight! I hope! Don't quote me on it!! ;-)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Just A Dancin' Fool

Okay! Okay! I Know Everyone's Waiting..
Hopefully by the weekend I should have it all done ;-)
In the meantime, here's a word from my dad..
george says: VIKA
george says: i need phone bingle on Mascot
vika says: yes
george says: please
vika says: i have no idea what you just said
george says: i need call to
vika says: oh ok
george says: shop BINGLEE
vika says:
So I reckon now.. Bing Lee change their name to Bingle.. I think it sounds catchier anyway ;-)
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
We're HOME!

The flight was ghastly. Well it could have been worse.

In that order!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Day 13 - Hollywood, Jay, Silent Bob & Packing

I am sooo tired though, have been packing for the last few hours, with Harri and Tony's great help.

I got some magnets and a tshirt for Josie at a souveneer shop and then we went off to Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash.

Then we went for some ice cream, and then home.

We are all ready to go now (its just after midnight). Harri gave me a pill to help me relax, to see how I react to it now in case I want to use it on the plane to help me sleep. I am now a bit woozy!!
So this is the last update from the US and the next one will be from home! Am actually looking forward to getting home now, but not looking forward to the trip!!
The next update may not be for a few days.. I am going to be just exhausted! I just know it !!
Hooroo from the USA!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Day 12 - Photo Shoot and Huntington Beach

The photoshoot was just incredible and Josie just thoroughly enjoyed herself.

We started out with a green backdrop, a green dress and a red iceblock. Josie did so well and I swear she's gonna be a model some day! She did all the poses and cooperated so well. At first anyway! ;-)
The promise of nakedness and paint kept her in line!

The pictures were just amazing. I can't even describe it. She was head to toe in paint and making the most beautiful designs on the white paper with her feet and bum.

Wowo is her favourite toy. He is a little white (well white when he is clean!) dog that is sold in Coles, Kmart and Target and we have maybe 30 of them lying around the families.
Well Wowo went on a wild ride today. Josie went nuts painting him all different colours. We got some photos of Wowo and he is now drying in the garage. I will put him up in her room on display. And also the resulting painting she did with her feet, I am taking home to do something with. Probably get it framed at some stage.

After they got out we all walked down to Huntington Beach to go for a walk along the shoreline. We took the radio flyer again for Josie to ride down in.
When we got down to the water, Josie just went nuts! She really didnt like the waves and the water at the beach in Hawaii. She was scared of the waves.When we got to the beach today, she was more excited about building sandcastles that the water, but then we didnt stop for sandcastles and went straight to the water.
It was absoutely FREEZING at first! BRR! But then we got used to it and Josie got used to it too after a short time in daddy's arms.
And then it was just free for all! Josie absolutely went NUTS, running into the water, getting absolutely saturated with water.
I didnt expect this so she was in a skirt and tshirt. A white tshirt that was brown when we got home!
She ran almost the entire walk from one side of the beach to the other! I think it took about an hour or more to do the walk and she was running the whole way, screaming at the top of her lungs, jumping in and out of the water, rolling around in the sand (mummy was just trying to restrain her shuddering every few minutes!).
We got some fantastic pictures of her absolutely drenched! In actual fact, both Tony and I got completely drenched as well!
On the way home, because we were just not prepared, we had to wrap her in a blanket so she didnt freeze. Poor thing was like a mummy!
So we got home and all three of us jumped into the shower together. It was SO good to wash all the sand off!! ;-)Then Allison came over and we had a fabulous Taco dinner and then Sven showed us the photos from the photoshoot. Amazing. Utterly amazing!!
So thats it for today. We have decided not to do Universal Studios tomorrow. There is really nothing much for Josie there and we would rather save the money. So its off to Hollywood and Santa Monica tomorrow! And then home to pack!! ;-( Waaa!!
~Dun Wanna Go!!~
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Day 11 - Laguna Beach and The Mustang!

Firstly we all slept in till about 9am this morning! I got up at 9am and had a shower and let Tony and Josie sleep on, and when I got out, Tony was still asleep, but Josie was already downstairs playing with Harri and Sven!
I got Tony up and we all got ready and then I got a ride with Sven in his red Mustang convertable while Harri, Tony and Josie drove in Harri's Jeep.

On the way we had the following conversation:
Josie: I like school, but I don't like parties.
Tony: Why?
Josie: Cause I'm scared. They're scary!
Tony: Why are they scary??
Josie: Well... there might be a monster there..
Now this family lives in the most amazing house. It was designed and built by them and is just astounding, built on a cliffside and has the most amazing views. Josie had a wonderful time playing with the kids and running around the place.. until she ran smack into one of the floor to ceiling windows. Twice. Just a testament to how clean the window was, but poor Josie was so embarassed! We had a lovely chocolate cake, which Josie was first in line for, and some great crushed ice and water from their funky fridge!

We had dinner at NoKaOi which is a Hawaiian restaurant where Harri and Sven had their wedding reception. The food was fabulous, Tony and I had Baby Back Ribs and I have to say that they were heaps better than Tony Roma's!
Joining us at NoKaOi was Allison and Fiona (an aussie friend of theirs) and we had a lovely time chatting over dinner (poor Sven had coke and pretzels!).

Thats it for now!
~Later Dudes~
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Day 10 - Seaworld

We saw Shamu last but he was absolutely fantastic!
We started out nice and early this morning, it was a 2 hour drive to San Diego to Seaworld. I almost fell asleep on the way there.
One of the first things we did there was meet the dolphins. They had this large pool where we all stood around the sides and the dolphins came right up to you for pats on the head. You could lean right in and rub their noses, it was awsome! Josie was a bit scared to actually pat them on the head, but she did get very close! Tony and I had some pats and it was just amazing!

Also on the way to the Pets Rule show we stopped in to see the huge Clydesdale Horses. Josie just loves horses and she was amazed by their size.
Just before finally arriving at the Pets Rule show we made a brief detour to the Journey to Atlantis ride where Harri was brave enough to go on the ride by herself. Tony and I are really not into rides.. we don't like the acceleration thing (you might remember from the Disneyland Update), but we did take photos and applaud Harri when she came down the huge waterfall drop.

They had things like 3 black cats running into a large pretend pot of cream and then coming out completely white, or 3 black cats and a white cat running into a door and then 4 black and white cats running out of the same door, as if the 3 black cats blended with the white cat. It was all very funny. Especially when a large daschund ran into this big hotdog and three daschund pups ran out.

The killer whales were just amazing. I just cannot put into words how magnificent they are, and how intelligent! Its one thing to see dolphins doing these things, but to see a huge whale jump and turn in the air is a sight to behold.

~Later Dudes~
Friday, September 15, 2006
Day 9 - Disneyland - Oh The Exhaustion!!

So first off we went into California Adventure park and specifically the California Soaring glider simulation ride which takes you all over California on a sight-seeing glide. It is really well made with the rows of seats hanging from an armature rather than being bolted to a moveable platform like similar things we have at SeaWorld on the Gold Coast etc so it was really smooth in it's movements.
Unfortunately both Josie and Tony experience fast- acceleration- giddiness which scares the poo out of them.

After a rather more sedate ride on the Heimlich (the caterpiller from A Bug's Life) train ride she had calmed down considerably (though she was still determined to find fault with everything at that point so agreed that the ride had been ok but despite demanding Daddy's presence when entering the train then proceeded to lament the absence of Mamma when leaving it.
Next we went and walked through an area which showed off some American farming stuff and I swear they had cow poo smell going on the approach but when we go to the display area the cows were fake!!! In this area we went through tours of how both Tortillas and Sour Dough are made.

But the tours made us hungry (man! Corn Tortillas taste gross on their own!) so we then decided to stop for lunch and let Josie continue to decompress from the false start. She was actually really interested in the Sour Dough baking machinery so she was well on her way to enjoying the rest of the day already.

Disney Land
First stop in the wonderful world of Disneyland was a picture in front of the Mickey Mouse floral clock and then on into the park. Inside we immediately hit a shop where we bought Mickey Mouse ear hats for Josie, Rachel and Miriam. They shall hence forth be known as The Three Mouseketeers.

After a brief stop for magnets and a hoody for Tony and shirt for Mat we exited the park and had a lovely dinner in a restaurant attached to the park.
All in all Josie behaved beautifully all day. Even when she was out of sorts she was not overly cranky or willfull or naughty. She was a real champ today and overcame a good scare to have a great time. My only one regret is that you really cant do Disneyland in one day. It takes at least 5 I reckon! Hopefully we'll get the chance to finish what we started.
~Later Dudes~