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Friday, August 25, 2006

Breakfast and Jammies Day At School

On Tuesday Josie had a PJ's day at school where she had to wear her PJs and slippers to school.

They had a fabulous time!

I got there to drop her off and they had lined up all their little cot beds in rows in the main room and the plan was to watch a DVD and have some breakfast.

They watched Over The Hedge.

When I left, Josie and Rachel were lying side by side on their cots shining a torch on the ceiling.

However, now she keeps asking to wear her jammies to school!!


Karen said...

Love the jammies! I have Strawberry Shortcake PJs that would fit right in...
We're enjoying your blog - especially the pictures of Shabbat. You look to have a wonderful family and we look forward to reading your new posts.
Isn't it nice to know you have a fan club halfway around the world?!?!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mari... too cute!! I vote for wear PJs to work day!!

Anonymous said...

Awww Sweet we used to have pj day in primary saddly that changes in high school :( :(