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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Josie Invents The Anti-Bath

Most children seem to believe that the purpose of the bathtub is to provide an area of relative dryness once they've distributed its contents over the rest of the bathroom, and Josie is no different. I went to Granny's place last night to bag up the wisteria vine that Ant and I had cut up on the weekend, to find Josie in the bath and Granny trying somewhat unsuccessfully to get her out of it. All Josie was interested in getting out was the water, which she was earnestly trying to scoop through the enclosure door.

As soon as I got there Granny felt I could take over child extraction duties. Lucky me. Well The Serious Voicedidn't work.

Mat: You know what I used to do with your daddy when he was in the shower?
Josie: (Looking interested but not venturing to ask)
Mat: I used to get a bucket of cold water and throw it into the shower!
Josie: Noooooo ... cold water on YOU!
Mat: Oh I think it'll go on you kiddo.
Josie: No! (thinks for a moment) We don't have a bucket!
Mat: I'll FIND a bucket Miss don't you worry! Pull that plug out!
Mat: Ok now pull it out and leave it out smarty bum! You just wait till your daddy gets here!
Mat: What are you ... stop licking the bathtub! (this of course was like a red rag to a bull)

Finally she came out, after again attempting to saturate me with the last remaining bit of water in the tub. God help me when I have my own kids.

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