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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Not a peep !

My baby has an infected finger!! ;-(

However, according to Daddy, Miss Josie has more kahones than her mummy ;-)

Tony took to Josie's finger last night in order to eradicate the puss from the sore. From what both my mum and Tony tell me, she was a little trooper! She held her hand out to daddy, and while daddy squeezed the very painful pus out, there was not a peep.

Baba was just amazed and commented to me how impressed she was both with Tony (explaining what he was doing to her and why he was doing it) and with Josie for being so brave.

I am very proud.

I think the key to Josie being quite self sufficient is communication. We have always made sure we explained to her exactly why we want her, or dont want her to do something. For eg. Don't run out into the garage area because there are cars all around and you never know when one might be going in or out, and you are very small and they may not see you. That illustrates to her both the reason and the consequence. And although at first she was obviously to understand reasons and consequences, now she does understand.

I have noticed a significant drop off in the number of tantrums we get, which is a relief! Its so good when they start to understand and become reasonable ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW... even I'm impressed with Josie :)