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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Month 38 Josie Update

I don't know if I will continue doing these updates.. since starting this blog, I have been 'updating' quite regularily, not sure there is much left to tell.. but Ill give it a go..

Lets see..

Josie's vocab has just exploded. She is speaking in full sentences, with not very many mistakes. She can tell us exactly what she wants, and while we sometimes have frustrations and mini tantrums, I am happy to say the big, full blown, high frequency screaming tantrums are a thing of the past.

Also, after about 12 months of ongoing staf infections, we haven't had a problem at all in about 4 months or so *spit* *spit* *spit*. Its a relief to be honest.. cut down on medication costs ;-)

She is at kindy 3 days a week now and absolutely loving it. She comes home and tells us all about how she did this or that at kindy. Especially the singing and dancing. She does a lot of that. In the car when there is music she knows on, she will quite happily sing along, which is lovely.

We are now on tenderhooks waiting to hear from the private school where we want Josie to go about whether Josie is going to pre-school there next year or not. Apparently the waiting list is quite long and their prefs are siblings of enrolled students and while Josie's cousin Becki is in year 7 there this year, they dont count cousins. Next are the people who sign up for kindergarden there as well, which we have, and then its the date when the application was sent in (for us it was last June).

I worked out that it was $400 cheaper if we sent Josie to the school, 5 days a week, then if she stayed where she currently is next year, 3 days a week! Its crazy! So we are hoping and praying that she gets in.

The school has an open day on March 30th which we are going to. Hopefully we will find out then!

We are doing really well with the toilet.. fully day trained (with an occasional accident here and there), but still in nappies at night. Ive been told that the night training will take a while.. which is fine.. im just wondering how to kick it off or whether she will just do it herself..

She has now been in her toddler bed for a couple of months and its so great not to have the cot up. She has slept over at her cousin's place once, but it was all too exciting and she didnt get to sleep till about 10pm, and even then she refused to go to the bed and fell asleep on the floor in the living room !!

Tony and I have been talking about starting a Token Economy at home. This is where you give the child a token when they are good and when they have a number of these tokens, they get a special present or something. We are thinking of doing it with stickers, since she loves stickers so much. Vika and Becki have started doing this at their place with her, so I think we might have a chat and set out a game plan for how to manage it across the various households. I'm not sure Josie is old enough yet, but we will see.

Oh and we have finally been able to put her hair up!! As you can see by the photos, I've even managed 4 pony tails at once! Amazing!

And thats about it I think.. well it turned out to be a good sized update after all ! ;-)

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