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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Its The Dreaded Table of Respondents !

I am laughing so hard at the moment that tears are rolling their merry way down my cheeks..

Some background: I have been working on a huge Aggregate Report at work in Excel for the last few days..

I came in to work this morning to find this email from Tony in my gmail:

To: Marianna Hill
Date: Apr 13, 2006 3:01 AM
Subject: One for the early edition

Hello Dear,

It is 2am and I have just come out to the living room from the bedroom
because I just HAD to get down "on paper" the wacky conversation we
just had that you will not remember in the morning.

Scene. The bedroom. 2am. Dark. Tony is coughing his lungs out (well the phlegm from in his throat anyway). Mari wakes. Her head shoots up as she blearily tries to figure out what the noise could possibly be [despite the fact that Tony has been coughing in this manner for days].
Mari: Do you want a drink. [Every time she wakes form Tony coughing she asks him if he wants a drink - she doesn't actually have any water on her side of the bed and he does but whatever.]
Tony: No, I'm 'right. [Tony is very stoic]

A few moments pass while Tony ejects some phlegm into a tissue.

I can't sleep!
Mari: Eruhgh?
Tony: I can't sleep with all this finances and selling flats and renting flats and crap running around in my head. So I can't fall asleep in between coughing! [Even Tony's stoicism has limits]
Mari: ...change the formatting.
Tony: What?
Mari: uhm... reset the table of.. respondents.
Tony: *pause to pee himself laughing* Ok, back to sleep baby. [Tony pats the crazy lady affectionately on the rump and makes for the living room to write down the particulars before he forgets and another of "Mari's midnight ravings" is lost to the mists of time]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG.. this is hilarious!!! I'm so glad you documented this conversation :)