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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

HUGE News !

Well, it really is all about Becka !

We have had confirmation that Josie has been offered a place in Pre-School at The School Where We Want Josie To Go !

We are just thrilled and have been walking on eggshells waiting for the news.

There are ups and downs to this, but the ups far outweigh the downs. The school is fantastic, and while it is a Jewish School, this is not why we were so drawn to it. We were very impressed with the atmosphere, the teachers, the technology and their system of teaching. It is a very well run school which starts in the Pre-School and runs all the way to Year 12. This was one of the reasons we were so drawn to it. There is no changing schools, friends, locations. Its all on the same grounds, your entire school life. It offers security and confidence and routine.

We are thrilled to bits ;-)

Of course Josie's cousin Becka has been going there since Kindy, so it will be a huge buzz for them to be going to the same school (although they will only have about 4 years together as Becka will be in Year 8 when Josie starts Pre-School).

This of course signals the end of our living in the North Shore. It will be very very sad to leave our new home. We have only been there for about 9 months, and it is just the most perfect apartment for us, but increasing strata fees, petrol costs and road tolls have meant far more spending than we can handle.

So we have started tentitively looking in the Eastern Suburbs for a place to live. Its so hard though.. very expensive.. but we have time to look..

Our parents are especially pleased because they have been trying to convince us to move to the East for years and years. Particularily my dad..

Mari says: hello
george says: hi how are you today
Mari says: im ok, started coughing though
Mari says: but ok
Mari says: guess what ??
george says: what
Mari says: guess
george says: you win on lottory 1000000 dollars
Mari says: almost as good
george says: i wish
george says: so ?????
Mari says: both your granddaughters will be going to the same school as of next year !
george says: my Good , my congratulations!!!!!!!!!
Mari says: i havent told mum yet so dont say anything!
Mari says: and i havent told becka yet!
Mari says: we are SO excited !!
george says: ok
george says: me too
george says: when you say to mum
Mari says: yes well, I am a bit scared now too, its big money ! But we will manage ! We have to But we are just so relieved!
george says: she will be very, very happy
Mari says: Yep I will call her shortly
george says: how much you will pay
Mari says: well
Mari says: its around $7.5K for the first year
Mari says: and then increases every year
george says: just to save more money i have a good suggesting for you
Mari says: and whats that ?
george says: just be very sirious only
Mari says: yes in the last couple of months we have cut our spending dramatically
Mari says: we know
george says: i suggest you may be not this year but probably next year move to uor area and dont answer me today ---only tomorrow
george says: ok
Mari says: yes we know
Mari says: we have already started looking
george says: perfekt ---this is even better news today
Mari says: we spent last saturday looking at open places..
Mari says: havent found anything yet
Mari says: and we need to speak to our mortgage people to find out what kind of position we are in financially
Mari says: ok im gonna call mum and do some work
george says: you are today very, very good girl!!!!
Mari says: I am ALWAYS a very, very good girl !
george says: but today--the best
Mari says: ok

And then I got this from my sister..

george says: hi
vika says: hi
vika says: whats up
george says: give me aminut
vika says: ok
george says: so did you read!!!
george says: so
george says: so
george says: so
george says: vika
vika says: i am very happy that you are happy
vika says: i knew it all
vika says: we were just keeping it shush until it was all certain
george says: ok-i AM VERY HAPPY
vika says: it was all confirmed so all very happy now
vika says: and she is looking too
vika says: in our area
vika says: good day today ?
george says: VERY GOOD!!!!!
vika says: i know
vika says: rebecca will be pissing herself she will be so happy
george says: thanks God
vika says: the letter from school was supposed to be sent on monday but they did not send it until yesterday so we are not sleeping for the past several days
vika says: actually since 30th
vika says: when they went to school
vika says: and were told
vika says: but were waiting for the letter
george says: now i am have not any tensions --everithing is going to be ok
george says: thanks God and you two for good news
vika says: i am happy too

Its lovely to see my family so happy, but its going to be very hard leaving our home.. but we will, for Josie's sake. I cannot think of a better school for her.

I can't wait for next year !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you think yoou can't wait i got introuble for sreaming i was so happy!!!
