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Wednesday, November 22, 2006


From an email from Daddy in October 2004. Josie was almost 2 years old and I had just gone back to work..

Fine, I poo'd she poo'd we all poo'd together....again.

I was sitting on the can trying to read my comic when she comes to the side of the door way (just outside you know?) and starts pushing her little bottom out and screwing up one side of her face and staring intently at nothing etc. And I say "Hey Jos', did you do poodies?" and she goes "nah!" and scampers off.

So eventually I get out and I open the gate and I open the door to her room and she takes 2 steps towards the doorway and stops and realises this is likely to involve a nappy change and turns and tries to make a break for it into the lounge room.

So after retrieving the child from her escape attempt I get her changed and we get out of the house at 8:15am.

I forgot a dummy. *8(

Half way there she starts complaining and I THINK I'm out of rusks (there are in fact two rusks wedged into the tissue box in the center console but I took the box out without looking (I was driving) so I could feel around in the console for the rusks!!! So I didn't find them and am trying to placate her with various toys/water bottles etc (all of which she plays with for 5 seconds and then hurls from her). Eventually she starts squealing and eventually I was squealing right back at her. This sometimes confused her and she stopped to think about it and sometimes just made her more hysterical and she started flailing about and slapping herself in the head.

Then I gave her a book and she settled down and read the book.

Then I found the rusks.

But by then she was engrossed in the book and didn't need so I hid them again. No doubt I will fail to find them again next time.

When we pulled up at mum's she looked up from her book and seeing we were at Granny's she says "yaaaAAAAAYYYYY!!!!" as she does.

She barely acknowledged my presence thereafter.

When I left she saw I was going and made a bit of a protest but she was engrossed in her stacker cups by that time and went "heeeeeyyyy!....oh bugger you then, I have stacking to do, see you tomorrow" and went back to her cups.

I've been out of sorts since. *8(

Hehehe.. I am going through old personal mail at work and ran across this.. might have some more to post too..

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