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Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Cook And The Niece

Josie has become somewhat interested in cooking shows on TV, since watching an episode or two of Kylie Kwong's new DVD at my place. Where normally you'd need to use a nailgun to convince her to stay still for two seconds when she's visiting at Uncle Mat's, after a few seconds of the show starting she was transfixed. Antony is hopeful that this will progress to her keeping him well-fed until she moves out of home.

She is now willing to watch anything to do with cooking, and on her most recent visit to my domicile settled down to watch some Jamie Oliver while sitting in her Uncle Mat easy chair. Having grown a little pudgier in my old age, I apparently make a good beanbag.

But I was assured that aliens had not in fact stolen her brain and swapped it with another - she grew impatient with Jamie riding around on his mo-ped buying ingredients and insisted that he get on with the cooking. I tried to make her understand that before you could cook food you had to go out and buy ingredients but I don't know if I convinced her. She's very adept at giving you this look that says "Ok I'm sure you believe that. You're obviously either insane, stupid, or both, and have little or no idea as to how the universe really works."

I mean everybody knows food comes out of the magic fridge right? ; )

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Yup, the food comes out of the fridge by magic, just like in The Sims game.