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Thursday, July 19, 2007

On.. In.. Doesn't Matter!

Ok I haven't been posting any conversations with my dad cause my mum told me off for embarrassing him in front of the entire world (cause thats who reads my blog, didn't you know??). So I stopped. But this I couldn't resist.

He had been given a second hand laptop at work and wanted us to have a look at it.

Mari: well bring it tonight and we will have a look over the weekend
George: so don't be late today
Mari: I will be there before you
Mari: and if not you can just leave it
George: ok see you
George: it is on my car
George: so it is mine already
Mari: well take it off your car before you leave because it will fall off when you move the car
George: no it is on the car box
Mari: your car has a box ?
George: yes on the boot
Mari: well you need to take it off the boot because when you move the car the box will slide off the boot.
George: it is inside of box
George: and box is fixed to the car
Mari: on the boot ?
Mari: you fixed a box to the top of your boot?
Mari: how do you open the boot ?
George: it is inside of my boot
Mari: ahhh right
Mari: so IN your car.. not ON your car then ?
George: at least
George: for my it is the same
Mari: its at least in your car?
Mari: and at most under it ?
George: you want competision in russian
Mari: no thanks.. I dont live there
George: i will laught too
George: you was born....
George: and you first languch was russian
George: so you probably just forgot russian
Mari: probably

My mum will probably have strong words for me.. but after three days of taking care of a house full of sick people, it was a good laugh ;-)


Anonymous said...

I totally LOVE that your dad gave you a run for your money by wanting to compete for lingual skills in russian. Thanks for posting this.. I really appreciated the laugh :)

Anonymous said...

I sooo missed the Georgeisms!!
*Stands up and applauds*

Tanya xo