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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Daddy and Baby

Josie has been sick all weekend. high fever, throwing up etc. Neurofen has been keeping the temps down but the poor thing has been quite bored at home all weekend.

Yesterday afternoon we went to Baba's for dinner and she played with her cousins Becka and Jayden, but was quite out of sorts.

Today we have been home all day and she has been so bored. We have been through Nemo, Prince of Egypt, Road to El Dorado an The Incredibles.

This afternoon Tony was lying on her couch and Josie was playing with him. Josie was 'Daddy' and Tony was 'the Baby'!

Josie: This is your 'try' for today
Daddy: What is it?
Josie: Vegemite toast. Do you like it?
Daddy: No. I dont like it.
Josie: Ok, next time your 'try' will be pancakes. I'm going shopping to get some pancakes, you stay there.
[Goes to the kitchen, comes back]
Josie: Ok, here is some pancake. Do you like it?
Daddy: Yes! Yum yum yum!
Josie: Its dirty.
Daddy: What? Its dirty?
Josie: Yes, I dropped it.
Daddy: Ewww, yuck! No!
Josie: Ok Ill get you some more pancake.
[Goes to kitchen, comes back]
Josie: Ok, heres some more. I didn't drop it this time.
Daddy: Yum yum!
Josie: Now I'm going to work. Now don't cry!
Daddy: Waaaaaaaa!
Josie: Ok I'll read you a story, but then you're going to sleep!
Daddy: Ok.
Josie: Now its time for some medicine.
Daddy: Yuck, no no..
Josie: But its orange!
Daddy: I don't want medicine!
Josie: You have to have it because you are sick. But you can't have yogurt because you are sick. I will put it in the fridge.
[Goes to the kitchen, comes back]
Josie: Right, its in the fridge, you can't have it. Now I'm going to work.
Daddy: Waaaaaa!!
Josie: Ok Ill stay for a little while.
Daddy: Ok!
Josie: Now its been a little while, I'm going to work.
Daddy: Waaaaaa!
Josie: I have to go to work!
Daddy: Nooo!! don't go!
Josie: I have to go to work to buy you presents!
Daddy: Oh! Presents, I like presents!
[Goes to couch and gets a bunch of soft toys and gives them to baby].


Anonymous said...

Awww.. that's so adorable!!! It's just toooo cute :)

Becksta said...

OMG Cuteness to the bone!! :D