On Friday evening Josie came down with a 38.5 degree fever and until Sunday her temp was only kept down by Neurofen. Also over the weekend each night she complained of an itchy bum. We of course thought it was threadworm.
We made the decision to keep her home from school on Monday while Tony took her to see Dr Robert. Robert diagnosed her with a UTI almost immediately and put her on antibiotics straight away. This morning (Tuesday) she had no fever but we decided to keep her home anyway (well at Baba's).
Now yesterday morning Tony woke up not feeling well either so he took the day off work as well.
And yesterday afternoon I started feeling a sore throat and slight fever. By the time I got home after work my throat was killing me and my fever was at 38.7 eventually rising to 39 degrees.
Last night was the worst night ever. I tossed and turned all night, unable to relax or even breathe because my tonsils had swollen up so much I couldnt swallow.
So today Tony took the morning off to take Josie to mums and me to see Dr Robert. We dropped Josie off at Baba's (on the way Josie was saying that she wanted to sleep at Baba's tonight, which was difficult because Mum doesn't drive and she needed to get to school tomorrow), so as we were driving throught the Harbour Tunnel on the way to the north, I suddenly see a great big dirty Huntsman crawling in the foot space on the passenger side of the car (where I was sitting!). I wouldn't say I screamed but I did gasp quite loudly before throwing my legs up on the dashboard while the huntsman ran down and out of sight somewhere in the foot space area. Great. At this point I was pleading with Tony to find the breakdown bay in the Tunnel and pull over. Those of you who know Tony, know very well how he feels about spiders, especially Huntsmen, so quite predictably Tony was freaking out a bit. Luckily the Breakdown Bay wasn't too far off and we pulled over and threw ourselves out of the car.
Now I don't usually get hysterical, but I was hyperventilating and whimpering like a baby at this point, which with my sore throat, 38 degree fever and the tunnel exhaust fumes, well it wasn't fun.
After about 10 minutes of searching the passenger side, and pulling out the steering lock as far as it would go and locking it into place, I seated myself at the back, and Tony drove very carefully to the Drs.
While I went in to see the Dr, Tony went to the petrol station across the road and bought a big can of bug spray. which he proceeded to spray inside and outside and over the wheels and under the bonnet of the car, much to the amusement of the people inside the dr's office.
So I saw Dr Robert, he said I had tonsilitis and gave me a script for antibiotics and sent me on my way. We got the meds, walked back to the car and then carefully drove home.
At this point I rang my mum and told her Josie would have to stay there tonight cause at this point I am highly contagious. All were delighted at this fortunate turn of events. All except me, with the fever, and Tony who will have to drive to mums tomorrow morning early to get josie to school on time.
We got home and Tony was going to go to work but he wasn't feeling well again so he stayed home. And we never did find the Huntsman.
So now my temp has been as high as 39.6, Tony has thrown me into a tepid bath, I have had a tepid shower, I am FREEZING, sitting in front of the air con, my head is throbbing and my temp is currently at 39.5.
On the plus side, Tony went out and got me ice cream! LOL.
UpdateBy about 7pm my temp had hit 40.2 which freaked me out a bit so after another tepid shower I decided it was time to check out the hospital. Glad I did too. They gave me panadeine which knocked out the fever, but then also IV antibiotics and a steroid to take the swelling from my tonsils. Its after midnight and we have just got home. My temp is 37 degrees, my throat still hurts but is about 50% better. I might go get some sleep now! Its been a long couple of days!!