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Monday, January 22, 2007

My Baby is FOUR !

Ok so everyone is waiting for an update of The Party (tm).

It was hot.

And I don't mean in a fabulous kind of way!

41 degrees. Thats forty ONE. For you American types, thats 108.5 degrees farenheit.

Thats HOT.

Aside from that, it was a great party and the girls enjoyed themselves immensely! We had around 20-25 kids of varying ages, and about the same number of adults. Thats 50 people. Out in the backyard.

Did I mention it was HOT?

There was lots of food, lots of drink, lots of kids and lots of adults. The kids ran around eating and drinking, I think they had a good time. They were particularily enamoured of Zakhari and I had to keep herding them out of the house.

Of course the heat just got too much for people, and thank god it was only an hour and a half! Around midday everyone started leaving and we started cleaning up.

Josie and Rachel were very keen on opening presents but we managed to hold them off for an hour or so while we finished cleaning up and then we settled down in the living room with Becka running into the bedroom bringing out one present each for the girls. It took about an hour to get through all the presents, there were SO many of them.

Thank you to all who read this blog and were at the party, and to all who sent birthday wishes. It was very much appreciated and we were in awe of your generosity.

After presents, we all went into the backyard, took out the hose and got very very wet. It was nice and refreshing after the heat of the day.

After an hour and a half in the bath (resulting in a VERY wet bathroom *CRINGE*), while the adults player Scene-It, we got the girls out of the bath and into dry clothes, and Michelle and Sam took both girls and Becka to their place for a dip in their backyard blowup pool. It was a relief to be able to finish cleaning up and have a bit of a rest.

By the evening, after several hours of dizzyness and migraine I realised I must have heatstroke. I must have drank 3 litres of water in the space of about an hour. Quite an achievement for someone who goes through about 2 litres a day.

Needless to say I was not up to going to work today so I stayed home and got some rest.

So the party was a great success, but geez, I am glad its all over. And all I can say is: Never Again! Next year its venues and catering all the way! ;-)

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