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Monday, January 29, 2007

The Devil Child From Hell

Went shopping on Saturday and somehow managed to bring along The Devil Child From Hell (tm).

She was an absolute TERROR. And I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day!

It all started when I said no to ice cream. A simple enough thing. However she screamed two words - Ice Cream! - for the next 30 minutes, non stop! She sat in the trolley, kicked her legs, threw herself around and was generally a nightmare. I ignored her of course, cause thats what you are meant to do when your 4 year old throws a tantrum, but OMG, I have NEVER seen her like this.

Once she calmed down we had breaks of about 15 mins or so between whinging and crying and hysteria about a wide range of different things..

We went to our swimming lesson at 330pm and all went well until I had to get ehr dressed and, god forbid, she had to put her dress on again. Well, we had another tantrum, complete with hysteria and leg kicking.

After that she didn't want to go home, then she didn't want to go out, then she didn't want to get in the car, then she didn't want to put her seat belt on. AAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Who is this Devil Child and where is my daughter?!

Sunday was better, but I have definitely noticed this a change in her demeanor lately. She has become so obstinate and wilful and everything is just "no, No, NO!".

School starts on Wednesday. Bring on SCHOOL!!! ;-)

I am almost finished with the photos from the birthday party. Will Blog the party once thats done.


BrayClan said...

Oh my lord... I could have written that myself a year ago!! What is it when kids hit 4? It is like a whole new person!! LOL Glad you survived :)

Mat said...

Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of Antony at age 4. Welcome to Hell. *grin*

I wonder if she'll do the breathing thing he used to do. ;)