On the morning of Josie's birthday I got a call from my best friend Harri who wanted to wish Josie a happy birthday. She asked to speak to her to I gave Josie the phone. After a short conversation, Josie looks up at me and says "Auntie Hawwi is going to have a baby!".
I almost fell over.
This is what Harri remembers of the conversation:
Harika: Hey Josie, I have something to tell you.
Josie: What?
Harika: Auntie Harri is having a baby.
Josie: Ohhhh (in an inquisitive tone)
Harika: Josie, reckon you can tell your Mum that?
Josie: Yeah
Harika: Can you tell her now?
Josie: (shouting) Muuuuuuum, Auntie Hawwi is having a baby.
We are just so delighted for Harri and Sven! I have waited so long for this news.
Its just a bit bittersweet because they are in the USA and we are here and it means we won't see her this year.. but we will have to save our frequent flyers and make the trip there in 08 I think.. ;-)
Congrats Harri and Sven, this is just the most fantastic news!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
A Blog Photo Update
Ok so here are some photos from the last month or so.. in no particular order..

This is Josie and Stacey at Stacey's 3rd bday party last weekend.
Josie spent most of the time running after Stacey and calling for Stacey and generally wanting Stacey. It was very cute.

Meanwhile, Stacey's dad, Roman, destroyed many balloons, resulting in one bow-legged french poodle and a very strange looking rabbit.

This is Josie last weekend in the dress that Auntie Anna gave her for her birthday. She just loves it.

These are the gorgeous dolphin jeans and seahorse (quickly named Seasaw) that Uncle Mat and Auntie Wendy bought for Josie on their honeymoon.
This is Josie and Great-Grandma Trudy on Australia Day. We always go to Trudy's for lunch on most birthdays and holidays.

And this is the big 4th Birthday Party for Josie and Rachel. 41 degree heat and lots of people in my backyard. Ugh!

This is the girls' birthday cake.

And this is the girls after blowing out the candles.

This is in preparation for opening presents!

And this is opening the presents!

This is my big girl on the morning of her birthday. We went to Yum Cha for lunch with the family.

This is Baba and Dyeda at Yum Cha.

Becka helping Josie open presents.

Granny and Vika at Yum Cha.

And these last two are of my little catwoman, in the catsuit that she got from Cousin Matthew for her birthday.

And thats pretty much it for photos.
School starts tomorrow! My baby will be a Comet this year, can't believe she is one year away from Kindergarden!!

This is Josie and Stacey at Stacey's 3rd bday party last weekend.

What a poser! ;-)

Meanwhile, Stacey's dad, Roman, destroyed many balloons, resulting in one bow-legged french poodle and a very strange looking rabbit.

This is Josie last weekend in the dress that Auntie Anna gave her for her birthday. She just loves it.

These are the gorgeous dolphin jeans and seahorse (quickly named Seasaw) that Uncle Mat and Auntie Wendy bought for Josie on their honeymoon.

And this is the big 4th Birthday Party for Josie and Rachel. 41 degree heat and lots of people in my backyard. Ugh!

This is the girls' birthday cake.

And this is the girls after blowing out the candles.

This is in preparation for opening presents!

And this is opening the presents!

This is my big girl on the morning of her birthday. We went to Yum Cha for lunch with the family.

This is Baba and Dyeda at Yum Cha.

Becka helping Josie open presents.

Granny and Vika at Yum Cha.

And these last two are of my little catwoman, in the catsuit that she got from Cousin Matthew for her birthday.

And thats pretty much it for photos.
School starts tomorrow! My baby will be a Comet this year, can't believe she is one year away from Kindergarden!!
Monday, January 29, 2007
The Devil Child From Hell
Went shopping on Saturday and somehow managed to bring along The Devil Child From Hell (tm).
She was an absolute TERROR. And I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day!
It all started when I said no to ice cream. A simple enough thing. However she screamed two words - Ice Cream! - for the next 30 minutes, non stop! She sat in the trolley, kicked her legs, threw herself around and was generally a nightmare. I ignored her of course, cause thats what you are meant to do when your 4 year old throws a tantrum, but OMG, I have NEVER seen her like this.
Once she calmed down we had breaks of about 15 mins or so between whinging and crying and hysteria about a wide range of different things..
We went to our swimming lesson at 330pm and all went well until I had to get ehr dressed and, god forbid, she had to put her dress on again. Well, we had another tantrum, complete with hysteria and leg kicking.
After that she didn't want to go home, then she didn't want to go out, then she didn't want to get in the car, then she didn't want to put her seat belt on. AAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Who is this Devil Child and where is my daughter?!
Sunday was better, but I have definitely noticed this a change in her demeanor lately. She has become so obstinate and wilful and everything is just "no, No, NO!".
School starts on Wednesday. Bring on SCHOOL!!! ;-)
I am almost finished with the photos from the birthday party. Will Blog the party once thats done.
She was an absolute TERROR. And I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day!
It all started when I said no to ice cream. A simple enough thing. However she screamed two words - Ice Cream! - for the next 30 minutes, non stop! She sat in the trolley, kicked her legs, threw herself around and was generally a nightmare. I ignored her of course, cause thats what you are meant to do when your 4 year old throws a tantrum, but OMG, I have NEVER seen her like this.
Once she calmed down we had breaks of about 15 mins or so between whinging and crying and hysteria about a wide range of different things..
We went to our swimming lesson at 330pm and all went well until I had to get ehr dressed and, god forbid, she had to put her dress on again. Well, we had another tantrum, complete with hysteria and leg kicking.
After that she didn't want to go home, then she didn't want to go out, then she didn't want to get in the car, then she didn't want to put her seat belt on. AAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Who is this Devil Child and where is my daughter?!
Sunday was better, but I have definitely noticed this a change in her demeanor lately. She has become so obstinate and wilful and everything is just "no, No, NO!".
School starts on Wednesday. Bring on SCHOOL!!! ;-)
I am almost finished with the photos from the birthday party. Will Blog the party once thats done.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Congrats Mat & Wendy!
My Baby is FOUR !
Ok so everyone is waiting for an update of The Party (tm).
It was hot.
And I don't mean in a fabulous kind of way!
41 degrees. Thats forty ONE. For you American types, thats 108.5 degrees farenheit.
Thats HOT.
Aside from that, it was a great party and the girls enjoyed themselves immensely! We had around 20-25 kids of varying ages, and about the same number of adults. Thats 50 people. Out in the backyard.
Did I mention it was HOT?
There was lots of food, lots of drink, lots of kids and lots of adults. The kids ran around eating and drinking, I think they had a good time. They were particularily enamoured of Zakhari and I had to keep herding them out of the house.
Of course the heat just got too much for people, and thank god it was only an hour and a half! Around midday everyone started leaving and we started cleaning up.
Josie and Rachel were very keen on opening presents but we managed to hold them off for an hour or so while we finished cleaning up and then we settled down in the living room with Becka running into the bedroom bringing out one present each for the girls. It took about an hour to get through all the presents, there were SO many of them.
Thank you to all who read this blog and were at the party, and to all who sent birthday wishes. It was very much appreciated and we were in awe of your generosity.
After presents, we all went into the backyard, took out the hose and got very very wet. It was nice and refreshing after the heat of the day.
After an hour and a half in the bath (resulting in a VERY wet bathroom *CRINGE*), while the adults player Scene-It, we got the girls out of the bath and into dry clothes, and Michelle and Sam took both girls and Becka to their place for a dip in their backyard blowup pool. It was a relief to be able to finish cleaning up and have a bit of a rest.
By the evening, after several hours of dizzyness and migraine I realised I must have heatstroke. I must have drank 3 litres of water in the space of about an hour. Quite an achievement for someone who goes through about 2 litres a day.
Needless to say I was not up to going to work today so I stayed home and got some rest.
So the party was a great success, but geez, I am glad its all over. And all I can say is: Never Again! Next year its venues and catering all the way! ;-)
It was hot.
And I don't mean in a fabulous kind of way!
41 degrees. Thats forty ONE. For you American types, thats 108.5 degrees farenheit.
Thats HOT.
Aside from that, it was a great party and the girls enjoyed themselves immensely! We had around 20-25 kids of varying ages, and about the same number of adults. Thats 50 people. Out in the backyard.
Did I mention it was HOT?
There was lots of food, lots of drink, lots of kids and lots of adults. The kids ran around eating and drinking, I think they had a good time. They were particularily enamoured of Zakhari and I had to keep herding them out of the house.
Of course the heat just got too much for people, and thank god it was only an hour and a half! Around midday everyone started leaving and we started cleaning up.
Josie and Rachel were very keen on opening presents but we managed to hold them off for an hour or so while we finished cleaning up and then we settled down in the living room with Becka running into the bedroom bringing out one present each for the girls. It took about an hour to get through all the presents, there were SO many of them.
Thank you to all who read this blog and were at the party, and to all who sent birthday wishes. It was very much appreciated and we were in awe of your generosity.
After presents, we all went into the backyard, took out the hose and got very very wet. It was nice and refreshing after the heat of the day.
After an hour and a half in the bath (resulting in a VERY wet bathroom *CRINGE*), while the adults player Scene-It, we got the girls out of the bath and into dry clothes, and Michelle and Sam took both girls and Becka to their place for a dip in their backyard blowup pool. It was a relief to be able to finish cleaning up and have a bit of a rest.
By the evening, after several hours of dizzyness and migraine I realised I must have heatstroke. I must have drank 3 litres of water in the space of about an hour. Quite an achievement for someone who goes through about 2 litres a day.
Needless to say I was not up to going to work today so I stayed home and got some rest.
So the party was a great success, but geez, I am glad its all over. And all I can say is: Never Again! Next year its venues and catering all the way! ;-)
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Missing Auntie Hawwi !
We got a surprise parcel yesterday, and silly me didn't think and opened it in front of Miss Almost Four. Of course it was a wrapped present, and of course Missy had to open it there and then.
It was a gorgeous Dora colouring book with pens. The pages were velvety, with the drawings' outlines in the same material to help her colour between the lines. Its gorgeous, and in certain places, when you colour there, it comes up with a pattern as well as the pen colour.
Josie was really excited about it and spent the afternoon colouring it in excitedly (with some help from Mummy and Becka) !
Then this morning on the way to Granny's:
Josie: I don't want to go to Granny's house.
Mari: Why not?
Josie: I want to go to Auntie Hawwi's house! Like we did lesterday!
Mari: Like we did when we went on holidays?
Josie: Yeh..
Mari: Aww honey, I know, I do too. But it costs a lot of money, we had to catch a plane last time, remember? We flew?
Josie: No. We flew when we went home..
Mari: Yes, and we flew there too, you slept on the way there so you don't remember.
Josie: awww..
Poor thing.. I think Auntie Hawwi needs to visit again soon!
It was a gorgeous Dora colouring book with pens. The pages were velvety, with the drawings' outlines in the same material to help her colour between the lines. Its gorgeous, and in certain places, when you colour there, it comes up with a pattern as well as the pen colour.
Josie was really excited about it and spent the afternoon colouring it in excitedly (with some help from Mummy and Becka) !
Then this morning on the way to Granny's:
Josie: I don't want to go to Granny's house.
Mari: Why not?
Josie: I want to go to Auntie Hawwi's house! Like we did lesterday!
Mari: Like we did when we went on holidays?
Josie: Yeh..
Mari: Aww honey, I know, I do too. But it costs a lot of money, we had to catch a plane last time, remember? We flew?
Josie: No. We flew when we went home..
Mari: Yes, and we flew there too, you slept on the way there so you don't remember.
Josie: awww..
Poor thing.. I think Auntie Hawwi needs to visit again soon!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Photos Have Been Updated!
Yay! I have uploaded photos from about September. Including photos of the new house and Xmas and New Years etc. Check out the links on the right.
We had a lovely holiday season.
Xmas at Trudy's, Boxing Day at Uncle Mat's and New Years Day at our new home. It was much like a whirlwind, and while I loved being on leave for two weeks, it was much too short.
We went swimming with Michelle and Rachel and Ben a lot, which was fantastic. Josie's swimming has progressed in leaps and bounds. She is now swimming dog paddle and treading water. I am so proud!
Michelle and I are busy planning the girls' 4th birthday party, which is next Sunday in our backyard. Party bags are done, chips are bought and cake is ordered. Just need to organise the sandwiches and veges and dip for the adults and drinks and decorate on Sunday morning. Oh and get the house cleaned on Saturday!
And on Saturday my baby turns 4 !! We are all going to Yum Cha to celebrate. 4 !!!
The cats have now settled in to the new place and my parents are relieved (as are we!) to have their place back to normal. Incredibly there was no hissing and growling from Zelda..
So now we are recovering from Mat and Wendy's beautiful wedding last weekend. But thats another story..
We had a lovely holiday season.
Xmas at Trudy's, Boxing Day at Uncle Mat's and New Years Day at our new home. It was much like a whirlwind, and while I loved being on leave for two weeks, it was much too short.
We went swimming with Michelle and Rachel and Ben a lot, which was fantastic. Josie's swimming has progressed in leaps and bounds. She is now swimming dog paddle and treading water. I am so proud!
Michelle and I are busy planning the girls' 4th birthday party, which is next Sunday in our backyard. Party bags are done, chips are bought and cake is ordered. Just need to organise the sandwiches and veges and dip for the adults and drinks and decorate on Sunday morning. Oh and get the house cleaned on Saturday!
And on Saturday my baby turns 4 !! We are all going to Yum Cha to celebrate. 4 !!!
The cats have now settled in to the new place and my parents are relieved (as are we!) to have their place back to normal. Incredibly there was no hissing and growling from Zelda..
So now we are recovering from Mat and Wendy's beautiful wedding last weekend. But thats another story..
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
We're BACK!
Internet is BACK!
Tivo is BACK!
Life is back on track!
(But I am getting a little bored of The OC.. I spoke too soon the other day Jac!)
Photos coming soooon... watch this space!
Internet is BACK!
Tivo is BACK!
Life is back on track!
(But I am getting a little bored of The OC.. I spoke too soon the other day Jac!)
Photos coming soooon... watch this space!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
A Swim Star In The Making!
Yesterday Josie had a swimming lesson, and came away with a Doggie Paddle Certificate for swimming 25 metres by herself without a back bubble!
I was just SO proud! That means she was treading water on her own, and 25 metres!
We have been going to the pool a few times over the Xmas break, and she has been using both a back bubble, and borrowing Michelle's 2nd swimming vest. For the first time I have been able to leave her to swim, and be able to not hover over her ever second. She is a great swimmer and with the back bubble or vest, has been staying afloat. When I have let her in without either the bubble or vest, she has shown me that she can tread water for a few seconds, but generally she struggles and starts to go under.
This is so great, and well on our way to being able to swim properly!
I was just SO proud! That means she was treading water on her own, and 25 metres!
We have been going to the pool a few times over the Xmas break, and she has been using both a back bubble, and borrowing Michelle's 2nd swimming vest. For the first time I have been able to leave her to swim, and be able to not hover over her ever second. She is a great swimmer and with the back bubble or vest, has been staying afloat. When I have let her in without either the bubble or vest, she has shown me that she can tread water for a few seconds, but generally she struggles and starts to go under.
This is so great, and well on our way to being able to swim properly!
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