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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Time For An Update Methinks!

I realised that I haven't updated this blog in a while! Life must be hectic!

We moved in to the rental house over the weekend and are still unpacking somewhat but we finally spent a night there last night.

The first night we actually got the beds ready to go, but as we were getting ready for bed, the cockaroaches came out and we fled back to my mothers (after spraying and putting down baits). Apparently the house has a cockaroach problem ;-(

I guess thats what happens when you live in a house. It apparently got sprayed a few weeks ago.. but not well enough obviously.

Well after putting the baits down and spraying, the next morning we found a lot of dead roaches, so it was a good start! That night we only had a few roaches come out. After more baits and fleeing to mums for the night, last night was a lot better.

Only one roach was spotted, unfortunately it was on Josie's bed, on Josie's blanket, on Josie as she slept!

We very nearly fled again, but we decided to stick it out. We took Josie to our bed, and we finally had a comfortable nights sleep, in our king bed (with no more roach problems!).

Hopefully tonight will be even better!

We had our new oven and rangehood installed this morning (the old one was broken). It looks really nice, but I cant use it till the kitchen is a bit more usable!

And our shed is being delivered tomorrow, and being put up over the weekend!

Its all happening!

Oh and work is going well, Josie's last day for this year at school is tomorrow and I get two weeks off over Xmas!


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