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Thursday, December 14, 2006

The story of The Pot And The Kettle

So I get a voicemail on my mobile last night from the missus which starts with the following shouting:

Mari: WHAT is the point of having a mobile if you don't ANSWER it?!?!

And is immediately followed by :

Mari: My mobile is in the car.....

Uh huh, yeah....


Mat said...

I'm afraid I must still side with Mari on this one. I can reach her by mobile 90% of the time - you having her mobile because you've forgotten to charge yours notwithstanding. You on the other hand ... I could count the number of times you answer your mobile in any given year on one hand!

Mari said...

My brother in law and I are always on the same wavelength.. ;-)

Mat said...

Now waaaaiiiit just a darn toootin' minute there sista ...