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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Josie, Road Rage And The Jean-Stock

Yesterday evening, having picked up Josie from Granny's, we were driving home. I came to some lights and edged forward to turn right but there was traffic so I didn't have enough room before the light turned red again. Seeing as I was out too far I started back up a bit, the car behind me was quite a way back so there was no problem, however seeing me back up, the silly woman started beeping at me. I groaned.

Mari (looking back): Yeh yeh, I SEE you!

So I back up and wait for the green light. Lights change and I go, having turned the corner, we passed a bus and a truck, who after an altercation of some kind started beeping at eachother. Josie has learnt well what to do in this situation.

Josie (from the back): Yeh yeh, we SEE you!



Driving to school this morning, Josie was reading from her Read-Along Jack and the Beanstalk book. When you open the book and turn the pages, it reads to you. But alas, it has stopped working, so Josie has to do the reading herself, but seeing as she can't read yet, she makes it up as she goes along. Here is a snippet..

Josie: Jack gave some coloured beans to his mummy but his mummy didn't like them so she threw them.. out the window.. but Jack went up the jean-stock and saw the giant and he got scared and came back down.

Pretty succinct, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So this is what I have to get used too... a kid that repeats what I say? They're like parrots :) Great to read her imagination can make up a surrogate story :)