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Friday, October 06, 2006

Rental Updates

Ahh.. finally a normal blog update..

Since returning from the USA I have been busy ringing around prospective rentals and enquiring about whether cats are allowed.

And here comes the tirade..

I am so So SO sick of:

a. Agents who DONT KNOW! For gods sake! Its their JOB to know! I pisses me off completely! And then..
i. Agents who can't just go find out BEFORE calling me back/replying to my email
ii. Agents who insist on us seeing the place, then filling out an application, and wasting our time!
b. Agents who say no without actually finding out from the owner
c. Agents who don't reply!
d. Agents who don't call back!
e. Ads that don't have any mention of whether pets are allowed

I mean seriously! I made sure our agent was well aware that we don't mind people with cats. This means that the information is there should someone ask!

I am just so sick and tired of calling agents who are just.. unhelpful! How hard is it to ring the owner and say: Do you mind if they have cats?


So we are seeing another couple of places tomorrow, but mostly we are packing. We have to be out of our place by Oct 16th, which means next weekend we are moving. This is a scary prospect. If we haven't found a place, we will move our stuff into storage, and us into my parents place. We can't sign a lease ourselves until we have a tennant for our place.

I feel so stressed at the moment. Feel like I am stuck betweek a rock and a hard place and theres no where to move.

And to top it all off, I have to change my PO Box ;-(

Life sucks right now..

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