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Saturday, October 28, 2006

A Hunting We Will Go..

So here we end another weekend of house hunting..

Well to be fair, today was the first day of real house hunting, we were distracted last week by the repairs on the old unit..

So we saw about 15 (yes thats FIFTEEN) rentals today. We took two application forms but I don't think we will fill any in.. there were some good units but nothing that really made us want to go for it..

And we also realised that we have been looking for places in the $350-$400 price range because of the possibility of extra storage, which we sorely need. But we realised that if we get something cheaper, we could potential keep a storage room for up to $50 a week, without going over our budget.

So I will now be looking at cheaper places with possibly bigger rooms and not necessarily a LUG..

I got a call yesterday from the swim school where we want to get a place for Josie, they offered us a casual place for today, which we couldnt take but this means they will be calling on Friday's with a possible place for her on that Saturday. This was very exciting!

So today we went and checked it out, and timed it with Rachel's swimming lesson there. This was great, we got to see Rachel in her class and the teachers in action and it is everything that everyone always raves about.

Tony went to swimming lessons there when he was a kid and its gonna be great for Josie to go there too. So I spoke to the lady in charge there before we left and asked her if we could maybe get a place in the class with Rachel and she said she is confident we could get that place each week. That is just fantastic and I can't wait to start with her next weekend.

The only catch is that parents don't go into the water with the kids. Josie has never had a swimming class on her own before so I am hoping that having Rachel there will be helpful.

Tomorrow is a big day, we have a 4th birthday party for a school friend and then are spending the afternoon with Michelle, Sam, Rachel and Ben. Don't know exactly what we are gonna do but we will see.

Josie had a great time today, while we were house hunting, at the park with Vika, Becka and a friend of Becka's, Alison. Vika said she ran around for 3 hours straight.

We are currently at Uncle Mat's about to have dinner.


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