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Monday, July 31, 2006

Weekend Activities and Fruit Cutting!

We had a jam packed weekend!

On Saturday we had our auction. It was a non-event, no one bid, no one even registered to bid ;-) We expected as much.

We are gonna advertise for another couple of weeks, and then if nothing happens, we will rent it out and see how it goes. Either way, we need to make our move to the East soon. Right after we get back from holidays I reckon.

Josie was with Granny overnight from Friday to Saturday and then Vika picked her up and took her to see Anna and Jayden. I went to pick her up around 5pm and the kids were sitting on the couch playing with the playstation. It was very cute.

On Sunday we all went to Yum Cha at Marigold for breaky. It was delicious as usual and Josie and Jayden were little terrors running in and out from under the table. Thank god Becka was there to take them to see the fish in the tanks every now and again.

After Yum Cha we went to Easties to do shopping and afterwards went back to Vika's to relax and have dinner.

I was absolutely knackered when I got home, but was surprisingly in the mood to cook (after having bought stuff at shopping!) so I made lasagne (my first!! Thanks Anna!) and cut up the chicken ready for the soup that I'm gonna make tonight. I'll also make schnitzels tonight. Its all happening in the Hill Kitchen!

So I dropped off Josie at school this morning and noticed that the plate of fruit hadn't been cut and it was already about 9am, so I asked whether someone was going to do it, and Silke (who's back from holidays! Yay!) said that whoever was rostered on had been and gone and hadn't done it so I offered to do it.

Its one of those things that you just feel special doing. Like being the classroom helper for the day ;-)

So I cut a bunch of apples and celery and peeled some mandarins. And poured some water into their little glasses.

It was fun. Unfortunately, before that Josie had gone outside to play with Rachel. In fact the first thing she said when we walked in was "Where's Rachel" ? So she went outside to play and so I couldn't watch her while I was cutting fruit. But around 920am they all came in for their morning meeting. I was finishing up as she came in, all excited cause I was still there. It was so cute ;-)

So they went into their morning meeting and I finished up and went in and said goodbye to her and gave her a kiss.

It was lovely seeing her in the midst of school stuff ;-)

I'm looking forward to my next stint as official fruit cutter ;-)

Ps. I have uploaded a bunch of new photos to flickr!

1 comment:

Mat said...

Heh .. that last photo labelled Playing At School is the kind of photo you see in somebody's scrapbook 15 years later with 'Best Friends 4 EVA' written under it. Too cute. :)