So this will be a long one!
Disney on Ice
So the weekend before last we took Josie to see Disney on Ice with Granny and Jacqui. It was absolutely fantastic (even if a few of the performers fell! ;-). Josie sat and watched and got a bit restless once, but mostly she was great. Mean daddy wouldnt let me get her any toys but I managed to get a balloon ;-)
Saturday Lunch
On Saturday we had Vika/Becka and Anna/Jayden over for lunch. Vika was teaching me how to make a few dishes, so I was buggered (she was more buggered cause she did most of the work! ;-) but the kids had a great time. Josie and Jayden ran around squealing for much of it, but it was good. Daddy was out helping Uncle Mat move stuff and wasnt home till very late.
Sunday Playdate
On Sunday Tony, Josie and I went off to the Park to meet Josie's best friend Rachel, her brother Ben and her parents, Michelle and Sam. We had a fabulous day together, spent several hours in the park and then went back to Michelle and Sam's place where we had lunch and got to know eachother. They are lovely people with absolutely gorgeous kids. And Josie and Rachel play so well together. It was gorgeous watching them. I will update this blog with photos when I get home tonight. Ok there were just too many to choose from!!

So we hung out there and chatted about everything till about 5pm and then we went to Uncle Mat's for dinner. Played Shrek on the Xbox for a while and then went home. Josie was absolutely buggered by that time.
Mari on School Duty
So now to this morning. I was rostered on fruit cutting duty this morning. The kids all have morning tea and they have a mother come in each morning to cut up the fruit and pour the water for it. So I got there about 15 mins late and someone had already started cutting the fruit! Even the director wasn't sure why. So I got to pour water and watch Josie and Rachel play for a while. That was great to be able to just step back and watch them interact. They both have very strong personalities so they seem to alternate being boss. They played with some jigsaws for a while, and then Josie took Rachel's hand and literally dragged her over to another section, where they played for a little while, before Rachel decided she wanted to go somewhere else, so she announced she was going, but Josie didn't wanna go there so off Rachel went, and Josie sat and sulked a bit, and then went and joined Rachel.
After a while they changed again adn went to play with the Playdoh.
As I was leaving, I kissed Josie goodbye and said bye to Rachel. I stopped to sign her in and Josie comes running over.
Josie: Mummy! Mummy! I have to tell you something!
Mari: Yes sweetie?
Josie: I'm.. going to have FUN today!
Mari: *laugh* Of course you are honey!
So then I went a bit further and Josie comes running up to me again..
Josie: Mummy! Mummy! I have to tell you something!
Mari: Yes sweetie?
Josie: I LOVE you!
Mari: Awww.. I love you too honey!
So then I gave her a huge hug and left. It was so cute!
And thats it. We are starting 4 days a week this week. She will have Wednesdays off.
Oh, and Josie seems to be developing a cough and her staf was a bit redder this morning. Sooo Drs appt tonight, more antibiotics ;-(
OHHHH I loveeeee Josie's longer hair!!! Please please please leave it long for me in September :)
OHHHH I loveeeee Josie's longer hair!!! Please please please leave it long for me in September :)
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