I can't believe my little girl is about to turn 3!!
Well, we have had lots of speech development this month. Huge leaps and bounds in communication and development, but with that came wilfullness, tantrums and bossyness!
Josie is now talking very well, communicating in sentences and facial expressions and the pointing of the finger!
In terms of toilet training, I think I can safely say that she is well and truly day trained. We have been about a week of no or very little pull ups, and the last 4 days or so she has even done number 2's on the toilet! Fantastic! Previously she started getting into the habit of doing number 2's in hr pants which was not pleasant! The only thing is Missy likes her privacy. She tells us very pointedly (with the finger) "You stay dere!" and then goes off to the toilet to do her thing. She hasn't got the hang of wiping her bum yet, which gets kinda messy, and we need to help, but I'm just glad she isnt doing it in her pants anymore!
At the end of November we took Josie to her first 'real' concert to see Hi-5. At first she was a little overwhelmed, and sat quietly in her seat and watched. After a while though she really got into it, clapping and dancing to the show. It was just great watching her ;-)
Now also at the end of November we had her end of year concert at kindy which was superb! The had the kinds in the middle of the room doing their things and the audience seated around in a circle. Each group of kids came out in turn to do their parts while the rest of the class sat on their seats. Well, Miss Josie was performing all the actions and dancing and singing along from her seat even when she wasn't on! And when she was on, she was just fantastic! Such a little performer, she certainly is not shy! I was so proud of her, and got heaps of mpg's and photos which you will find on my new flikr site:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/josiephotos/ - please do leave comments if you want ;-)
December 11th was a big day. In the morning we went and saw Santa's Kingdom at Fox and it was fabulous! Josie loved the merry-go-rounds and the ice skaters and everything really, she had a ball. The only thing she didnt like, again, was sitting on Santa's knee.. we got the photo, but honestly, I dont blame her.. the guys scary! ;-)
After Santa's Kingdom we had people over for our yearly Tree Trimming Day. We had bought a gorgeous new 7.5 foot tree and some new decorations at The Christmas Cave and had an absolute ball putting everything up. We also got a bunch of Xmas lights to decorate the balcony and really got into the whole xmas thing. I have waited 6 years for a place I can really put my heart into decorating, and I just love our new home so we really went for it. There are photos on Flikr of all the decorations and the lights too. I am so proud of it all.
We have been offline for almost 3 weeks while moving from Bigpond to iiNet (Telstra stuffed up the line!!), which is why this update is late. This means that all the Xmasy type days are over now, and all the presents have been given. I was going to cover this next update, but while its fresh in my head..
Josie had about 4 days of presents! We had the Tree Trimming, then Xmas Day, then Boxing day and then on the 27th! We spent the 27th at Centennial Park, which was huge fun and Josie had a great day out playing with her cousins. However now she is coming to me and asking where Santa and more presents are!!
The last few days we have finally started using the pool and spa that is in this 'estate' which we moved into. And I am SO incredibly impressed with Josie's progress in the water! Swimming lessons finished a couple of weeks ago, and are starting up again at the end of January. But since we have been in the pool and spa the last few days, Josie has been showing a huge improvement in water confidence, which is such a huge relief! She has been going under water all by herself, and throwing herself into the water to us, she has even been going under water through my legs to Tony behind me! And it is completely not phasing her! She has a new kickboard too which she is getting the hang of and holding on really well to! I am just so pleased with how she is going in the water now!
We are hugely looking forward to our holiday in January. It will be so nice to just unwind and spend a week just swimming and relaxing!
Anyway, thats about it I think.. Gosh its been hot too!!!
Till next month! 3 Years OLD!!! Waaaaaa!!!
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