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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Grab The Goat By The What Now?!

So we're laying in bed on this fine Xmas morning 2010, awake after having to change the sheets and blankets after Zac pee'd on Mari while she slept, when for reasons I won't go into out of respect for my wife I had a sudden desire for a bullhorn.

And the following conversation ensued:
Tony: Man I wish I had a bullhorn!
Mari: A what now?!
Tony: The thing you talk into that amplifies the sound... you know when Bart put them all together and caused a big explosion?
Mari: Isn't that called a megaphone?
Tony: Bullhorn is an American term
Mari: Bart called it a megaphone...
Tony: A Southern American term then!
Mari: Why Bullhorn?
Tony: Because it looks like a bulls horn?!
Mari: I've never seen a bull with horns like that...
Tony: If you strap the cone to the side of the bull's head then the handle faces forward like a bull horn.
Mari: looks confused and makes twirling motions with both hands in the air above her.
Tony: you're thinking of a goat dear.
Mari: I'm thinking of a goat!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe theres a song there ... "there at the Hills was a funny goatherd ... yodel yodel yodel"