I came in and Rebecca said to Josie to show me her tooth and how wobbly it was.
She skipped over and moved it with her finger. The tooth was almost out as I could see half of the root already detached from the gum and the tooth hanging by few threads. She was playing with it all the time so it was just a matter of minutes before it came out.
I told her it would be easy if she did it herself and just pressed on the tooth inwards and it would just pop out.
The answer was no.
I then asked her if she wanted me to take it out, and at first she said no, but I could see she was not afraid and wanted it to come out, but afraid to do it herself. So I called her over and said let me see again. She let me. So I just took it into my two fingers, pulled it down and it was over in 2 seconds. It started to bleed, we ran to bathroom, she washed her mouth with cold water for 2 min and that was it.

The excitement was pulsating out of her she was absolutely ecstatic, running all over. I sent her to look at herself in the mirror, she looked so cute with front tooth missing. I asked her if it hurt and she said nope.
Apparently multiple Tooth Fairies arrived immediately – special case for a special girl and she got 4 gold coins.
We put the tooth and coins in a plastic bag for safe keeping and decided that she would not tell mum and dad what happened and will wait until they had arrived. She would just start talking and see if they notice.
Lucky she did not have to bubble over for too long and first mum and then dad arrived and of course both noticed straight away with appropriate amount of excitement. Huge day for Josie!!
So there we have it. My big 6 year old has lost her third tooth! Thank god it didn't come out at school. I was having nightmares that she would lose it ;-)

*YaY*.. okay you gotta encourage her to drink out of a glass, with a straw through the gap. That has to be one of my favourite past times as a kid :)
Been there done that! LOL. It was the first thing she said she wanted to do. So apple juice was provided and she sucked ;-)
Very cool! Yay Josie!!
tell her to stick her tongue in the hole before it closes up! you don't get many chances LOL
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