Back when Tony had his operation, which was shortly followed by my mum having her thyroid out, my sister said to me that these things happen in threes.
I poo poo'd her.
So Tony is fine, his scars are healed and he is having 6 monthly skin specialist checkups (when he remembers to make his appointment!).
Mum is recovering from her surgery nicely. It was difficult the first few days post op, getting her calcium dosage right, the scar healing, the nausea and tiredness. Now she is doing better and the pathology on the thyroid came back non-cancerous. Excellent.
So that was two.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce number three.
Last Thursday, when preparing to go see mum in hospital, I was carrying some bags into the house, when I lost my footing, my ankle gave way and I fell (typically) face first, arms (typically) above my head, with an earth-shattering kaboom!
A bit shaky, got up and went inside and didn't think anything more of it (well except that Mat and Tony would piss themselves that I fell, and kick themselves that they missed it!). I felt a bit achy but I figured it was shock, and a badly grazed knee.
I went to the hospital and sat around with mum, dad and Vika waiting for them to take her to surgery. I started telling them about my fall (only cause I suddenly remembered about it when my grazed knee kept rubbing against the inside of my jeans), and suddenly realised that it hurt when I laughed. In fact it was hurting when I took a deep breath in.
I toyed for a while about popping into emergency for them to check me out but figured even if my ribs were fractured, the best they could do was give me some panadeine forte. So I bravely took the pain and tried to ignore it.
That night was horrific. Not only could I not sleep on my left side at all, but I couldn't lie flat on my back either. I thought I was going to go crazy. Every time I moved or turned or twitched I would wake up in agony. So Friday I decided to stay home and recuperate.
Friday night I was feeling a bit better so I decided to join Tony and Josie at our usual Friday night at Mat & Wendy's place.
By Saturday morning I was feeling much better, well not much, but not in constant agony. I just had to hold myself together a bit if I needed to cough or sneeze. Josie had a double birthday party Saturday afternoon and for a while I thought I would take her, but Tony agreed to take her instead because he thought I should be resting. I stayed in my armchair for most of the day and did my usual grocery shopping online. I did sneak out to get fruit and vegetables and deli stuff though. That was a bit of a mistake it seems.
Saturday night was again horrible and Sunday, while everyone went off to Grandma Trudy's, I again stayed home and tried to rest.
Monday I went back to work.. and well.. worked. Its a desk job, its not like I was doing anything strenuous.
On Wednesday afternoon, my body decided to punish me.
The pain from my ribs started to increase again, exponentially. To the point where I was considering, well Tony was considering, taking me to emergency. I decided to go to the Doctors the next morning to potentially get an Xray. That night I almost cried. After most of the night waking in agony again, I gave up and at 5am went to sit in my armchair and try to sleep there. At least I was upright.
I managed to doze on and off till about 7am when Tony started getting Josie ready for school.
At about 930am I went off to the North Shore to my doctors. They had no appointments available but very nicely squeezed me in. Robert listened to my sob story, felt me over, and told me that he wasn't sending me for an Xray. An Xray wouldn't show any fractures because the pain seemed to be too far down the rib cage.
He was sending me to get a CAT scan, because he was worried I had ruptured my spleen.
So an emergency scan was booked at Royal North Shore Private at 145pm. I had hours to kill though. I rang Tony who also listened to my sob story, although very attentively, and then told me to go home, he would meet me at the house and take me back to the North Shore for the scan.
Robert told me that if they found that my spleen was damaged they would admit me there and then. I took my Doomachka (little square pillow that my family have always used on top of the normal pillow, its a little Kleytman quirk, like calling eachother across noisy shops by going TSSSSS!).
The scan was unpleasant. First they made me put on this dark blue, what felt like paper, gown, which didn't tie up very well in back, and sit in the waiting room, with an old man in a wheelchair.
They then took me in, put me flat (and in pain!!) on this long table and injected me with this dye stuff that made me feel all hot and like I was going to pee my pants. Then they rolled me on this table through this round circle thing (think Stargate!) where I had to hold my breath longer than was comfortable!
Luckily it only took about 15 minutes all up.
After finding Tony, we went and had some lunch in the cafe, and waited for the results.
The results came back good. Spleen all good. Not even any fractures seen. Must be one hell of a good bruise.
So then Tony took me home, with strict instructions not to let me do anything, or go to work till at least Monday. That was yesterday.
So today I was home again, and giving this
rest and recuperation thing a determined whirl. And all I wanna do is go back to work. I am SO bored. Tivo is all caught up and I have nothing to watch!
And that folks, was number three.
Hopefully I won't have anything
that exciting to report for a while now..