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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Jam Packed Few Days

Firstly, Happy Birthday to my dad, who is a sprightly 35 today. He is too! Really!

So a recap of the last few days.

On Saturday I had the onerous task of buying three, yes THREE birthday presents for Sunday. Thats two birthday parties for 3 kids!

So most of the day was taken up with present, and grocery shopping. I got some nice presents and then headed home to do my annual filing.

Throughout the year, documents pile up on the filing cabinet, until July-ish when I file everything away and prepare our documents for the accountant to do our taxes returns. This turned out to be a long and boring task which I happily finished about 2 hours later.

Meanwhile, Tony was cleaning out the spare room, finally! That took most of the afternoon, and now we can actually open the door, and walk into the room!! Woohoo!!

Sunday was long. The first party was for one of Josie's best friend's, Cade. Cade is about 6 months older than Josie, so she turned 6, and her party was at Plaster Master. Josie had a lovely time, and it was also the first time I did a drop off at a party. All the parents left so I did too, and went to mum & dad's for about an hour (where they had a secret stash of pickled tomatoes !!!) and then picked her up. She had ended up painting a plaster Princess, what a surprise!

After that it was straight to the next party at a park. This one was for two of Josie's friends, Ariel and Lily. This was a boisterous party, where there was a man, who turned himself into a clown and proceeded to teach the kids to juggle. This was also a great party and Josie had a ball.

During these two parties, I was approached by four other mums with suggestions for playdates. Next week is gonna be busy I think!

Monday was a normal working day, Josie was at Granny's, and went on a trip to the hairdresser and had her fringe cut, and her hair trimmed.

Which brings us to today.

Today was a very long day. Tony and I had the day off work, for reasons which will become apparently shortly. And Josie had a playdate set up with Cade. And another first, a drop off playdate. We were eternally grateful to Cade's mum, Basha, for taking Josie all day. Josie had a fabulous time, and was just raving about what a great time she had.

So a few weeks ago Tony went to see a skin specialist about a red welt that has been on the side of his head, near his ear, for the last few years, on and off. There was a biopsy done, and it was diagnosed as a skin cancer [Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma -Ed]. This totally flipped me out and I had a semi nervous breakdown. After I recovered from the shock, Tony organised for the welt to be removed. That was today.

He had day surgery this morning where they cut out all of the cancer, and he will forever more have sexy scars on the side of his head. Awesome! ;-) [Er, hopefully not. That was the whole point of using a plastic surgeon instead of my Dermatologist (who is also a surgeon) -Ed]

Tony is fine now, out of the anesthesia, and on basic Panadol and Neurofen. We are now waiting for the pathology reports, which will report... something [Hopefully that there are no cancer cells around the outer edges of the volume they removed -Ed].

So that was our last few days..

Again, Happy birthday dad!

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