Lets start with Tony's update.
He had his operation.. the skin cancer was cut out and the pathology report said there was no more skin cancer left. Woohoo! Now he has this scar.. it looks like a paddle.. he's like my very own.. pirate ;-)
But he's fine. Checkups every 6 months. And I'm relieved.

And the other big news.. well after getting a fairly nice tax return this year, we decided to get a Wii. Mainly because I wanted a Wii Fit, as a new and fun way to get exercising, but also cause.. well.. its cool ;-)
So once we had the money safely in our account I started looking around for good deals.. including Ebay.
You know, I remember Ebay a few years ago, and you really could get a good deal.. those days are over.. people are selling things over retail price, plus some! Its insane.
So anyway, I found that Kmart and Big W had their half yearly sales on, so all excited I rang around to see what deals they had. Unfortunately they were all sold out! But Target's big half yearly sale didn't start till the week after, which was last week.
So all excited, on Thursday morning, I stand, front and centre, in front of the closed Target doors, at 745am.
A M !!!!
So I'm standing there, and around me are about 30 people, and that number is increasing steadily. 75% of the people around me, are mothers, both hands firmly gripping shopping trolleys in front of them, their posture in the 'Ready, Set, GO!' position. (I can almost hear motors revving!)
Looking around, I feel very.. intimidated. Suddenly, my heart constricts, as I realise, that I don't actually know how to get to the electronics dept. I usually just wander around.. but wandering is for the losers who dont get their Wii Fit!! Luckily, right near the unopened Target doors, is a store map. I surreptitiously stroll forward to check out my route.
Route firmly in mind, I stand, ready to bolt.
I wait. I glance at my wrist watch. Its 755am. 5 minutes. Its tense. I look around. I scope out the competition. I inch forward.
Suddenly the doors start to rise! You can cut the tension with a knife.
I inch forward.
The doors are half way when a bunch of mid 20's make a break for it under the doors. The mothers with the trolleys growl and hiss after them.
And then we're off.
I got to the Electronics dept in record speed. But I was still about 10th in line. They had two registers open, and behind the desk were two huge metal cages, which I soon discovered were full of Wii bundles, DS bundles, PS bundles and Wii Fits!
I got to the counter and ordered my Wii Bundle and two Wii Fits (one was for a friend at work) and then smugly sauntered off with my trolley chockers full of Wii goodness ;-)
So then I looked around for a bit, before remembering that I was meant to get the Wii Play too because it comes with a remote and we wanted two remotes. So I look around, before it dawns on me, in a horrifying way, that the Wii Play, you also have to line up for.
I look at the line.
I groan.
I get in line.
Aaaanyway, long story kinda shorter, I get my Wii paraphernalia and then go off to work, to spend the rest of the day desperately trying to concentrate on something other than the Wii stuff in my boot!
The Wii Fit is sooo much fun! I love it!
And the other games I got in the bundles, Wii Sports, Lego Star Wars and Wii Play are all awesome too. Josie just loves the Star Wars game, although listening to her and her father play together sets my teeth on edge.
I have uploaded a bunch of photos to Flickr, so check them out. Oh and I am going to update Mat's post about the Ice Skating with some photos in a minute.. so check that again..
So thats that.. my update is done. Happy!?