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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Kitten and the Ambulance

Taking Josie to school this morning we pulled up next to an Ambulance.

Mari: Jose, do you know what that is?
Josie: Its a pom-pom (her standard answer for when she doesn't know something)
Mari: Thats an Ambulance.
Josie: Ohh
Mari: Do you know what an Ambulance does?
Josie: It goes eeee-awwwwweee-awwww..
Mari: And what does it carry?
Josie: [without missing a beat] Pizza.

And on a completely different note, a short time later, we're driving past a huge African American dude in a beanie and long trench coat (lookin' kinda tough, you know?), walking along the footpath carrying a bag, a jumper and an umbrella. All of a sudden, I see him jump into the air, give a shout and brandish his umbrella at something as if it was a sword. All afire with curiosity, I look to see what had terrified the man so.

A little black and white kitten was standing on a small wall, fur upright, hissing at him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pizza delivery via an ambulance :) Now there's an untapped market and it sure would get to ya quicker and hotter with the sirens on :)