When I first started at my present job, in Dec 06, there were rumours flying around that the company was thinking of moving. They had outgrown the current premises and they were on the lookout to move.
Well that happened last weekend.

Over the last 18 months lots happened to prepare us all for the move. There was a website set up with great bits of information about the new sites (two sites, one for the office, one for the warehouse), colour schemes, floor plans, information about the area, and neighbours. It was awesome.

The office block we have moved into is brand new, only just finished being built. Ten floors (of which we have floors 5 to 9), and we share the building with one other major company and a small one that is on the 10th floor.

I am on the 8th floor, with amazing views of Sydney Airport, Port Botany and the eastern suburbs. Over the last week we have seen countless planes in the sky, and awesome weather changes. The floor is bright yellow, which is ok. Certainly better than the flouro orange that the 6th floor is.

We were told to leave all desktop accessories. We got all new things, including a new flat panel monitor (finally!). And the building has a small gym, and allocated parking (which we do pay a small amount for each month).

Its just awesome.
We have gone from a dark, dingy, 3 floor building, to a bright, fresh, new 10 story building. Awesome!

This job just keeps getting better and better ;-)