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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Conversations With Young People

[21:45] Meebo Message: Jac is offline
[21:46] Meebo Message: Jac is online
[21:46] Tony: what happened?
[21:47] Tony: you went offline,,,,,
[21:47] Jac: yeah ichat isnt working so i tried restarting the internet
[21:48] Tony: THAT'S why our connection has been going in and out for the past few days!!! YOU'v been restarting the internet!!!
[21:49] Jac: har har
[21:49] Jac: :\
[21:53] Jac: i meant my internet
[21:55] Tony: you have your own INTERNET?!!?
[21:55] Jac: u r very annoying...
[21:55] Tony: Where did you get it?!?
[21:55] Jac: and yes, yes i do
[21:55] Jac: i get it from the magical fountain at the end of my bed
[21:55] Tony: _I_ want an internet!!!!!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

You should watch "Summer Heights High" which is a mockumentary comedy series about the everyday activities at an average Australia public high school that's just started on ABC TV. That show is FULL of "young people in their natural habitats" as Sir David Rabbitburrow would say.