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Thursday, February 01, 2007

My Baby's a Comet!

So Josie started school yesterday.

She is now in the 2nd year of pre-school, and has graduated from a Rainbow to a Comet.

She was hugely excited yesterday morning and couldn't wait to get to school. On the way she told me about how she is going to have new teachers and that Marlene and Silke weren't her teachers anymore. She was looking forward to seeing her friends againa nd seeing all the new Rainbows.

She had a great time and even met a new Comet.

This morning was a little different. Not because she didnt want to go to school, but mostly because I was making her wear a tshirt that she didn't want to wear. Blah.

Once we got to the car she was fine though, and looking forward to going to school again.

There were heaps of parents there this morning. Mostly the new Rainbows parents. I looked around and remembered being there as a Rainbow parent myself. It was surreal. They all looked so frazzled, and one little boy was screaming hysterically and taking every opportunity to escape through the front door. Luckily there is a locked childrens gate beyond the front door so he couldnt get far, but his poor mother, and Terry, kept chasing him all over the place.

Over the holidays, building started on the new classroom which adjoins the main activity room. Its looking very good. Can't wait to see the finished product!

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