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Friday, April 29, 2011

First Official Ultrasound

We had our 12 week Ultrasound today, and got the Nuchal Scan results. Results were all fabulous, and the scan itself was awesome.

Baby was SO active, at first on it's front, then turning over, and bouncing around everywhere, it was spectacular to watch, and really brought it all home.

Too early to tell the sex, but probably at the 18 week scan.

And here is a belly comparison at 3 months from 2002 and now.


Monday, April 25, 2011

More Good News And An Update

So firstly we have some awesome news!

We have finally sold the investment unit in the north!

After 8 weeks being listed at 'Offers over $650k', the first weekend we changed it to '$650k or near offer' and we got an offer at $650k!! We are absolutely stoked and relieved.

We bought the unit in 2005 for $543k and it was never meant to be an investment property. We bought it because we fell in love with it. the layout was perfect. The three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and massive living room were perfect and the pool and spa were an added bonus.

The strata and the travel costs to the city and east were killing us though.

We tried to sell it at the beginning of 2007 but didn't get a nibble. Well we got a nibble but it was $40k under what we paid for it. So we decided to tenant it and we moved to the east.

In hindsight our parents were right. Yes, there I said it. They were right. We should have bought in the east that last time. But I guess it was a learning experience.

So now we are finally getting rid of this massive monkey off our backs. We plan to get a smaller investment unit soon.

In other news, we've had a great long weekend so far.

Last Thursday Josie's new loft bed got delivered and Tony and Mat spent Friday putting it together. It's a bit wider than we expected but Josie LOVES it. In fact she has spent almost all of the time since Friday that we have been at home in bed watching TV!

Meanwhile Vika and I went to Paddys on Friday for a bit of a shopping trip. And had a really nice Yum Cha lunch before clearing Chinatown of it's take away Yum Cha to take home for dinner with our cousin Anna. The evening went really well and we all had a great time.

On Saturday I took Josie to see Rio 3D and we both loved it. It has been a long time since I saw a cartoon that I really enjoyed and Rio was fabulous!

Sunday we went to the Powerhouse with our friends Roman and Helen and their daughter Stacey. It was... well... fun cause we were out and with them.. but honestly.. the Powerhouse just let us down. It's so big and disorganized. Questacon it is not.

Had Yum Cha at Marigold for lunch which was awesome and then went our separate ways till they came over for some Crust pizza.

That was the first time I had tried Crust and I have to say it was the best pizza I have ever had!

So today we are taking road trip with Roman and Helen down to Wollongong to see the Science Centre and Planetarium. Should be fun!!

On the pregnancy front, all is good. Feeling less tired. Having strange vivid dreams, like last night's whopper. I dreamt that I had an arm and a leg growing out of my stomach and they were seeping mucus out of the base and I had to keep them dry. And then they eventually grew flush with my stomach and kind of got absorbed. It was so gross!!

I am still losing weight, 50.2kg in total. It's very exciting and I feel like I am living a brand new life. One with a lot more energy, and hope, and happiness.

Next week we are off to the Gold Coast for a couple of weeks and I just can't wait! I know it's going to be cold but I am sure we will still have a fab time and we may even be able to catch a few storms from the 29th floor!

That's pretty much it for me. Off to get ready for the trip to QLD!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1st Obstetrician Appointment!

Ok so firstly, New Zealand was a bust. Started feeling sick the night before and didn't want to risk anything so pulled out. Quite disappointing.. but not worth the risk.

Now today I had my first appt with the new OB. He was.. a character.

Mat and Wendy used him for both the girls, and every nurse I speak to raves about him.

He is.. a character..

Aside from him having a potty mouth.. and using the f-word twice (with Josie there!!), I really liked him. He was very relaxed, very confident and knew what he was talking about.

Not to mention he didnt charge $6000 for 'Pregnancy Management' !

He also accurately calculated my real due date, based on the fact that I actually ovulated a week late, so you cant just use the first day of the last cycle.

So now my official due date is.. wait for it... 12.11.11.

And I am 9w4d today ;-)

This is really gonna be the Longest. Pregnancy. Ever!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Flying Away

So I am off to New Zealand on Monday. Going for work for a week.. my first trip to NZ, and my first trip overseas in about 5 years..

I'm looking forward to it, and not looking forward to it. I've never been away from my family for this long before.. and especially now, its a bit nerve wracking! Gonna really miss Tony & Josie.

But I think it will be a good trip and good experience.. and I am back on Tony's Birthday!

Tony is being left with lots of instructions and reminders. Josie has been organised. And my fingers are crossed that she gets to school on time!! ;-)
