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Monday, August 24, 2009

To Facilitate Her Mum's Obsession..

After losing the townhouse at Botany, Tony and I agreed that we really like that street it was on and would really love to find something else there.

In order to facilitate that, we decided to write some notes to the residents across the complexes in that street (handwriting apparently attracts more attention) that announced our eagerness to buy there. After writing up about 20 of them we got bored, and decided we should just photocopy the hand written notes.

I got the photocopies done today and brought them home and the thought of having to cut up all the photocopies into the 4 notes per page was giving me chills, so, enter the 6 year old.

Mama: Hey Jose, you wanna do some cutting out for me?
Josie: Yes! Thank you Mama!!!
Mama: No no dear, thank YOU!


So after about 10 mins of cutting, Tony came home and saw what she was doing..

Daddy: You got her doing your job?!
Josie: Yeh, cause she's harvesting and stuff..

Hehehe.. well trained I say ;-)


Harika said...

Tony - what do you mean Josie's doing "her/Mari's" job? The new home is for all of you and Josie is definitely a team player

Mari - what did Josie mean by you harvesting and stuff?

Mari said...

LOL its a Facebook thing.. I have a couple of Farms.. they get harvested and planted each day.. its a bit addictive ;-)

Mari said...

I mean the only job she had to do of an evening other than watch tv and play that damned farm game!

As opposed to me who gets to come home later, get the kid showered, put a load of washing on, feed the cats, scoop the cat litter, get the wife and kid's dinner going (and sometimes but rarely my on), read the kid a story before bed, get the kid to settle down and go to sleep before finally coming out around 9pm (most often) to have my own dinner.

Not that Mari doesn't do any chores. She does and they're ones I sure don't want to do. But they're not every night jobs.
